yan751102 发表于 2008-5-3 12:41


关于大气飞行中的动力学翻译 by wmysilly
1. 舰船飞行是否受空气动力学影响?例如:导流板和冲压喷气引擎是否只在大气层中才有效果?
1) 舰船操控(与以往游戏?)略有不同,差不多是基于固定翼飞行器的工作原理。前向飞行时速度较快,非常规方向的飞行航速会降低。每艘舰船都会有速度上限。

2. 行星与其他大型天体是否有引力?亦即,是否要达到环绕速度才能悬停在它们上空?
2) 有的。如果不开推进器,就必须达到环绕速度才能悬停。要知道引力与距离成平方反比,相距几千公里的物体引力那是非常,非常地小。所以如果你想的话,可以叫一艘飞船浮个几周不掉下来;但是空间站就必须保持环绕速度飞行。

3) 很可能。至于是用常规武器就能打到地面,还是要用特殊的轰击型武器才行,要看游戏中武器射程的最终设定。

1. Will flight dynamics be affected by the atmosphere? e.g aerofoils work in atmo and not in space. Ramjets?

2. Do the planets and other large objects have "gravity". Basically, will we have to orbit.

3. Will the large ships be able to fire weapons onto the planets surface from orbit.

1) Ships will have a bit different handling, loosely based on fixed wing aircraft. They will be able to go faster in the forward direction. There will probably be reduced lift when at an odd orientation. There will also be a speed limit on the ships.

If i recall correctly, it would basically be a catch all 'hull stress' meter to limit airspeed. Get to 100% on the meter, you are fine. Go above 100% and you begin to take damage. The faster you are going, the faster you'd take damage. If you peg the meter at max(like, say, running into the atmo at 9/10ths C), you'd just go boom.

The hull stress meter would also be used for pressure(deep down in gas giants), radiation(too close to suns), and gravity gradients(too close to black holes).

2) yes. And you'll have to orbit if you don't want to use thrusters. Keep in mind that several thousand km out, gravity is really, really tiny. Inverse squared law and all that. So a ship would be able to hover for weeks on end if they really wished. Stations would have to orbit though.

3) Probably, though whether standard weapons can, or if it takes a special bombardment style weapon will depend on final combat ranges in game.
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