下载了一个脚本型 mod,但是不会用?
今天购买了正版,下载了一个mod 按照官网的方法安装但是没有成功,请高手指点。Use a Script to Load a MODAside from loading a MOD using the game interface, you may also use a script file to load a MOD.
To do so, in a script's HEADER] section, specify the following:
MOD=<mod file name>,
<mod file name> - The mod file name
– This is an optional parameter.“Global” instructs the game to load the MOD file from the default “<your CapLab folder>\MODs” folder. “Local” tells the game to load the MOD file from the local Script folder. If this parameter is omitted, it is default to Global.
MOD=MyMOD, Global
The game will load the file “<your CapLab folder>\MODs\MyMOD.RES”
MOD=SecondMOD, Local
The game will load the file “Script\SecondMOD.RES”.
MOD=ThirdMOD, Local
and you have also specified the line "Folder=My Script" in the script file's section as well.
In this case, the game will load the file “Script\My Script\ThirdMOD.RES”
(For more information about defining a Script, click here)
网盘链接 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6DNHv8
本帖最后由 patum 于 2014-9-19 08:24 编辑
进入游戏前需要先加载MOD,左上角 MOD SETTING。 在mod setting里面 没有加载项 按照自选城市那个贴的原理,我估计你要先用英文版载入MOD,再用中文版进