原来billpeng.cn大神发的存档只是从85级开始玩,好像要想升级还要加载他们自制的MOD? 还能升85级,{:3_100:}我又火星了吗 为何要去做原版游戏本身做不到的事情? BoA-Tonic 发表于 2014-8-12 11:26 static/image/common/back.gif为何要去做原版游戏本身做不到的事情?
+10086……OP还不够虐么,还需要什么不存在的四周目么?少年,还是回归正途吧 呃~~~~~~~~~~~面对高出13级的4倍血敌人,任何一个小小的敌人都可以虐死正常装备的第一视角..........:'( 试过用72级的橙色装备玩.呃永远是被秒的份) 我的意思是从72级继续升级,不是op,(billpeng.cn大神发的存档只是用72级打85级的怪自己无法得经验.存档没有用) 为何要去做原版游戏本身做不到的事情? Thanks, wangshuo1176891452To grant wangshuo1176891452 and any other users on this computer access to your Steam library, please authorize "TKX0SYALUMW0RCN" by visiting the following link: http://www.steamcommunity.com/actions/AuthorizeDevice?stoken=7594180213609421618&;steamid=76561198137123398&scode=6178311729733566194&;sfrom=76561198066491220 If you're not interested in sharing your Steam library with other users on this device, simply ignore this message.To manage Family Sharing and device authorization at any time, log into the Steam client, visit Account Settings, then select "Manage Family Sharing & Devices." Or, to manage your devices online, visit your account details on the Steam store.To learn more about Steam Family Sharing, visit steampowered.com/sharing. For a complete user guide, check out our Family Sharing User Guide.Thanks,Steam Supporthttp://www.steampowered.com This notification has been sent to the email address associated with your Steam account.For information on Valve's privacy policy, visit http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm. 为何要去做原版游戏本身做不到的事情?