wqm7798 发表于 2014-7-19 22:01

[Mod] House 【转帖官方】作者【Phacops】指挥中心 基地Mod

本帖最后由 wqm7798 于 2014-7-19 22:10 编辑

Ah, phew! That's expected behaviour then since it's just a quick on switch to avoid death when you foul everything up https://forums.undeadlabs.com/threads/multi-tool-keymapped-for-devs-players-godmode-vehicle-spawns-notarget-spawn-zeds-more.39784/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

No worries, mate. I kept coming back to my files, wondering what I had smegged up that would somehow cause it. It was so bloody illogical that it would only affect one single setting. Yay, thank you for letting me know https://forums.undeadlabs.com/threads/multi-tool-keymapped-for-devs-players-godmode-vehicle-spawns-notarget-spawn-zeds-more.39784/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

I'd like to point out that I said I would check on the skills not changing thing last night when I was super tired...I then realized when I woke up that I'm a dork and I had just commented a day or so ago that I was testing the structure with the debug tool on - as I flip it every single time I start up for safety - and I got full cardio on my char in a day, from 0 to 7 stars. So...it should be working actually.

Haha, yes, fast skills are just because you...ah...read some books you found, yes, and they had great tips...yeah...

The package I mentioned earlier was just for the vehicles that some people weren't getting loaded right. As for the big buildings, I'm not yet ready. Almost there.

I have all the geometry basically done enough to show off and have it beta'ed - or I guess alpha'ed https://forums.undeadlabs.com/threads/multi-tool-keymapped-for-devs-players-godmode-vehicle-spawns-notarget-spawn-zeds-more.39784/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png - but I need to build the package. I had completely forgotten to fix the fog settings so you can actually see the building and see from the top of the command center. The default fog settings in the game meant you could just see the top of the building itself from the command center and that was it, no land or anything. Might need some more tweaks because you can see the rather unattractive terrain nearby that wasn't meant to be seen, and a swatch of LOD'ed landscape because you weren't meant to see it from so far. Almost done with that then I'll build the package.

...may or may not be done tonight.

Short mention is that it'll be there to beta, and I've closed it off so it isn't easy to get to. There are multiple entry points but I need to know if they're too hard to find or too easy to find. I'm planning on making them more complicated as part of the joy of exploring, actually.

Anyway, back to work and thanks again for the mention so I don't lament over that bug, haha.

Here's a screenshot - which I thought looked quite lovely so I made it my avatar:


wqm7798 发表于 2014-7-19 22:02

I just need to dim it down a tiny bit more, is all.

If you want to know how big the structure is, check out the view from the Rodeo homebase

wqm7798 发表于 2014-7-19 22:04

Package is built now, actually. I can fiddle with the less important stuff on my own while it gets tested by you and any other nice people. While you're playing on it, if you don't mind writing down any funky things you find.

The main thing is that there a bunch of blinky textures in small parts due to a bug in Blender I'm having where stuff shifts during exports.

Other than that, do your thing.

Main question, as mentioned above is what you think of getting inside the big structure. The small one is wide open, no trouble there.

On that note please don't say where you found the entrance just whether you did find one, and if it was too hard to find or too easy. To be more specific, send a private message. Keeps things all scientific and stuff

...well I was about to deploy it then noticed I had accidentally backed up a few changes and saved over them like a dork. I think I got it solid on the geometry, heh. It'll be all correct except a handful of optimizations I can fix quickly tomorrow. Shouldn't be noticeable to anyone else.

There are some windmills next to the building but they'll be moved later, just needed to see how they looked from a distance in the Outland because they'll be placed elsewhere when I do the next part. will be changing up the blades and "prettifying" them, but critiques of those and anything else are welcome.

付一个入口地址[在游乐园那边] 不知道论坛有人用没。。这个东西是bate版本 不知道是崩溃还是啥。记得备份存档。安装方法。跟别的一样

wqm7798 发表于 2014-7-19 22:07


宇宙鼠 发表于 2014-7-20 09:24

wqm7798 发表于 2014-7-19 22:07 static/image/common/back.gif


.世俗つ 发表于 2014-7-20 09:45


wqm7798 发表于 2014-7-20 13:26


5769585 发表于 2015-1-15 12:06

怎么上去啊 我找了半天算是找到了!但是没路可以上去啊???有谁找到路!这指挥基地在山背后 怎么过去?

icplasf 发表于 2015-1-15 13:30


wqm7798 发表于 2015-2-9 02:58

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