nation_vip 发表于 2014-7-16 05:44

游戏竟然跳出了,然而关键的是游戏又更新了-Patch V1.0.72 - Introducing AI Personalities【好大一篇水贴】

本帖最后由 nation_vip 于 2014-7-16 09:58 编辑


Patch V1.0.72 - Introducing AI Personalities
Community Announcements - lar
Hello everybody!

We just released the first official patch for Divinity:Original Sin which introduces the concept of AI personalities.
During character creation, you can now select a specific personality for your characters. When a personality is active the AI will automatically make dialogue choices (based on its personality) for the avatar(头像?这个条件没明白) that isn't selected.
In addition to this, we've made a lot of improvements as well as bug fixes and balancing changes. You do not need to start a completely new game for these changes to work. Of course, your savegames will keep on working.
You'll also notice that you can now publish to Steam Workshop using the Divinity Engine Toolkit.
Mod编辑器“Divinity Engine Toolkit” 可用来在Steam 工作室发布新mod了
The full change list is too large to post as an announcement, but you can check it out on our forums.
Please make sure that you verify the integrity of your game cache after patching. To do so, right click on Divinity:Original Sin in your game library, select properties, then select local files and finally click on "verify integrity of game cache"
Have fun!
官网论坛: ... wflat&Number=519960

1.Fixed leadership critical chance (didn't work)--->领导力的暴击率加成修复;亏我还凹了6点leadership
2.Fixed issue with inventory tabs, sometimes resulting in missing icons in the UI-->遇到过,传送石头明明在背包里,但是有时候不会出现在最后一页。
3.Fixed issues with crafting--->修复制作合成中的bugs;难道什么配方没公布出来?
4.Fixed telekinesis beam showing when moving items from inventory to inventory--->包裹间挪物品的一道光不在。
5.Use, repair, identify and equip items in context menu in picked-up containers and backpacks--->优化右键菜单,算是小优化吧
6.Repair and identify in context menu in containers---->可以在容器里鉴定和修复;为了更好的s/l?
777777777777777777777.Sort on item type in inventory---->终于出来这个排序了
8.Fixed crash when sitting on an invalid item-->表示至今都是站的的。
反感的balance:----->5% instead of 10%/warriorlore for Weather The Storm talent<-------战士不肉了,抗性福利减半
1.Raged lowers your chance to hit by 25%, but you don't lose dexterity anymore.(还好我不喜欢用这个)
2.Cannot hire same henchman twice---->想雇1级兵,然后开了再雇让其满经验复活的bug不在了
3.Added more AI personalities----->别只做这种性格选项的AI,能给更多的战利消耗品的同时能不能让战斗更激烈点,敌人根本不怎么用强力技能啊,比如说魔法箭和卷轴。
4.Seriously limitted amount of traffic sent during player movement and when executing certain actions.---->这个没遇到过啊

另外steam是今天出的补丁,Divinity:Original Sin是昨天出的补丁。

nation_vip 发表于 2014-7-16 05:46

本帖最后由 nation_vip 于 2014-7-16 05:49 编辑



wscmdyzk 发表于 2014-7-16 05:52


nation_vip 发表于 2014-7-16 06:07

wscmdyzk 发表于 2014-7-16 05:52 static/image/common/back.gif


19794012 发表于 2014-7-16 06:12

另外,修复许多bug和平衡性调整,这些改进不要求你从开档,新补丁会适用于你的存档 <<所以到底修许多bug和平衡性啥,官方你在賣萌嗎

zwyhs123 发表于 2014-7-16 06:56


shengjie0206 发表于 2014-7-16 08:58

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查看完整版本: 游戏竟然跳出了,然而关键的是游戏又更新了-Patch V1.0.72 - Introducing AI Personalities【好大一篇水贴】