Tom Clancy's 家里着火啦
Author Tom Clancy's Home Damaged by Fire
A fire damaged the second-floor deck of Tom Clancy's home on Saturday, the Maryland fire marshal's office said.
Clancy was home at the time, but was not injured in the noon blaze, fire marshal's spokesman Joe Zurolo said.
"The smoke alarms are what alerted him to the fact there was a fire," Zurolo said.
The cause of the fire, which caused about $10,000 in damage to the rear of the three-story stone home, has not been determined, Zurolo said.
About 50 firefighters battled the blaze for about 10 minutes before bringing it under control. No injuries were reported, the spokesman said.
The home is located on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay about 30 miles southeast of Washington.
Clancy is the author of thrillers including "The Hunt for Red October," "Patriot Games," and "Clear and Present Danger."
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回复:Tom Clancy's 家里着火啦
赚钱太多,连上帝都看不下去了……回复:Tom Clancy's 家里着火啦
他老人家没事吧,写YY小说写到世界知明不是一般的强呀回复:Tom Clancy's 家里着火啦
這人寫的東西不太和諧回复:Tom Clancy's 家里着火啦