本帖最后由 zhonghuaxm 于 2014-6-7 01:13 编辑[*]Allow refugees to recycle in lifeline after a full cycle of refugees - once you've met everyone and either rescued them or...otherwise, the game will start from the top of the list so that the game can continue.
[*]Important persons should no longer become 'Away From Home' and will stay at the base.
[*]Removed a problematic issue preventing Cho from acknowledging successes once she was at your base.
[*]Fix for 'fainting' before the first siege. Fainting should now be impossible until after that siege is over. Death is death.
[*]Removed access to an area in the port we didn't intend to be playable area. (There was an area in the port in the NW area of the map, where you could climb over a wall next to the crane and run around in a small zone and eventually hit some invisible walls. Borrrrrrrrring.)
[*]Vehicles should now be repaired by advanced Workshops post siege.
[*]Eldridge's post-rescue scene (on the radio with Highroad) should no longer turn driving players into car-centaurs.
[*]Removed teleports from VIP "Found" scenes, to prevent ugliness in cases where the intended building is not cast.
[*]Made Sasquatch pacifistic and unkillable during Bloater and Screamer Hunting missions, to prevent him from screwing up the Bloater all the time.
[*]Fixed bad reference to the most advanced versions of the Infirmary that was preventing sick people from getting better.
[*]Fixed a case where Greyhound 2 soldiers were invulnerable when they became playable.
[*]Baroque church near international district should no longer appear blown out with black squares atop each steeple.
顶。。。。 非常感谢 看看................... 本帖最后由 qqwwee3332 于 2014-6-6 17:08 编辑
楼主木JJ OH 。感谢楼主告知。否则都不知道更新了什么
这补丁还真大 好!學習學習! 你英文翻中文不錯,只是負責發更新內容的官方人員沒有完全把部份內容寫好,使玩家無法了解其意思
[*]Fix for 'fainting' before the first siege. Fainting should now be impossible until after that siege is over. Death is death.
原來士兵不會好是這原因 木JJ{:3_142:}.................................... 露珠xiaojj michael92020 发表于 2014-6-6 17:39 static/image/common/back.gif
[*]修理第 ...
楼主木JJ 顶,终于可以治好病了 不错。。。。。。。 感觉没啥实质的内容。。。懒得打了 无敌是是么情况?没遇到啊…… an1911 发表于 2014-6-7 20:52 static/image/common/back.gif