alonelj 发表于 2014-3-11 23:15

【情报】Titanfall 未来将不会有DLC或季票出现

> 原文截取:
> “We’re not talking about our plans specifically, but I can say we’re not going to have day-one DLC, and we’re not gonna have microtransactions or anything like that. We want to make sure people understand we’re not going to nickel-and-dime you with microtransactions, and we don’t expect you to buy a game, put it in your console, and the first day get asked to spend more money for more content. What you get on the disc is what you bought, and that’s how we’re going to do it.”
Respawn CEO在Twitter回应时有提到他们未来会集中在DLC上,所以Titanfall是会有DLC的。
Season Pass则是预购游戏未来DLC,Season Pass的名声不太好原因是产业对于Season Pass的记录都不太好,大部分都滥竽充数or好的DLC不包在Season Pass里(Borderlands 2就是例子,30元Season Pass价值比较高的就只有Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode跟DLC 4 Tiny Tina),不代表未来不会出DLC老实说这些东西看看就好,游戏产业支票兑现的记录很糟糕,ValvEA都会把说过的话当没讲过了,他们实际会怎麽作才是重点。--补充一下,Respawn跟EA有签过约,Titanfall会是三部曲,每块游戏的间隔是两年,意思是2016年会有TItanfall 2,考虑到游戏伺服器用Azure租的,反推可以知道Titanfall寿命大概只有三年,如果想要一块游戏玩五六年的野要考虑。
我也是新入游戏,准备跟一大群基友搞上二三年哈哈~~~喜欢游戏的可以加Q群 129196907 一起搞。输赢不重要,欢乐逗无边~

b31398 发表于 2014-3-11 23:54


suyiyi520 发表于 2014-3-11 23:57


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