官方宣布“分崩离析”将在美国时间下周二(3月4日)在北美地区发售,欧洲的发售日期尚未确定,开发商将在近期公布。我们要能玩上 怎么也要3月5号 steam也是默认美国时间和地区发布的吗?原文没有说,不知是不是什么发布政策。
原文:We're pleased to announce today that the Steam release date for Episode 2 - A House Divided is confirmed for Tuesday, March 4th... that's NEXT WEEK!
Not long to go now, guys. We can't wait to share this next installment in The Walking Dead: Season Two with you! 已经查证了,steam发布时间是不以美国时区为准的,也就是说,中国也能准时在零点玩到第二章!( •̀ ω •́ )y耶!
信息来源:http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2939601 我开始下载了,不知道汉化什么时候能出来!