开始玩的 别高兴了 破解不彻底 第一章结束会卡狮鹫那不能飞元素熔炉
RT大家等着吧继续等待完美~~~ 啊?不能开始第二章吗? 恩、???还没下的路过。http://18cm.us/wp.jpghttp://18cm.us/xc.jpghttp://18cm.us/y.jpghttp://18cm.us/yh.jpghttp://18cm.us/yl.jpg
我刚在下载呢=。=郁闷。。。。。。。。。。。 X。。。。。。。。。无语卡索进不去,狮鹫飞不了,这是要闹哪样呀 我也卡这里了。 正版路过。。。 Hi!
I had this problem too, and found the solution at the comment section of one of the torrents on piratebay. This is what you need to do:
1. Go to where you installed the game (I bought it on Steam, so it would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Might & Magic X - Legacy)
2. Go here: \Might and Magic X Legacy_Data\StreamingAssets\Dialog
3. Open: LevDialog
4. Delete, or comment, the 4 lines that look like this: condition xsi:type="PrivilegeUnlockedCondition" privilegeID="1001" failState="DISABLED". This is XML code and if you don't want to delete them you can comment them out like I did by adding [<!--] and [-->] (without the brackets) at the start and end of the line respectively.
After that I opened the game, talked to Lev and was able to get to the forge 找找,论坛有解决方法,上次我也是卡那了