按照方法打了这些补丁,但游戏总跳出:'( 主体游戏是上古卷轴4 v1.2.0.416全DLC极限纯净完整版 貌似优点乱0 0 没装UOP,非官方修正补丁,而且XLOVERS的排序也怪异,建议下置顶精华里面的工具贴的BOSS来排序还有loverssetbody.esp是怀孕组件的,怀孕组件的主体都没有。。。不CTD才怪了。。。 手动排序:
00 Oblivion.esm << This one always top
01 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm << this one above the other 4
02 x117race.esm <<This one above the other 3
03 Lovers with PK.esm << above the other 2
04 LoversCreature.esm << above the other 1
05 BreakUndies.esm
32 SetBody.esp
33 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp
34 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp
35 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Chocolate Elves.esp
36 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp
37 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp
38 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Cute Elves.esp
39 Beautiful People 2ch-Ed CustomRace.esp
3A Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp
3B Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Nec Mystic High Elf Remake.esp
3C Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp
3D x117 Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp
3E Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp
3F Real_Mannequin.esp << this not actually MBP, but normally comes with the OMOD
40 Lovers with PK.esp
41 LoversCreature.esp
42 LoversMB2.esp
43 Lovers3dorgasmMB2.esp
44 LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
45 LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp
46 Lovers3dorgasm.esp
nothing below here these 7 ESP always at bottom 有的插件本身有问题,或者冲突建议别勾选。 想起a女王的一句话……看完再问,不然让你重装到死………… 2个汉化esp一定要清理。清理教程请自己找。 elzee 发表于 2014-1-6 23:08 static/image/common/back.gif
你们还能看到图? elzee 发表于 2014-1-6 23:08 static/image/common/back.gif
原来两个汉化确实冲突多,不过我懒得清理了,直接把汉化放到最上面了,牺牲了部分汉化,不过不影响我游戏= v=~