本帖最后由 zhm86 于 2013-12-4 09:35 编辑官方原帖地址
3DM的7号升级档,也就是官方的Patch 2.0更新内容
Patch 2 List of Fixes This Patch is now live.
[*]Disabled invalid collision object in Mad Hatter level, which was preventing some people from crossing the river 疯帽人任务中,有些物体卡住玩家无法到达河对岸,现已修复
[*]Fixed 'secure area' bug with Gotham Bridge. 修复哥谭大桥的安全区bug
[*]Fix for Deadshot quest not completing properly. 修复Deadshot任务不能被正确完成的bug
[*]Fixed Black Mask drug stash/chapter mixup that would lock away some drug canisters.Black Mask藏匿du品罐子的bug?
[*]Added the ability to run NVidia Benchmark feature from Options Menu. 可以从选项菜单中运行NVIDIA的显卡测试程序了
[*]Fixed a crash at the end of Deadshot. 修复Deadshot任务最后的崩溃问题
[*]Issues with MyAlibi should be fixed.MyAlibi相关问题被修复
[*]Fixed Bird thugs not spawning.修复Bird的打手无法刷新/重生问题
[*]Fixed Fatal Error on Press Start screen.修复Start screen的崩溃问题
[*]Fixed bug making it impossible to grapple in bridge 修复无法钩住桥的问题
[*]Fixed sequencer not working properly in Gordon’s office.修复sequencer(密码破解器?)在Gordon的办公室内无法正常使用的问题
[*]Fixed elevator that couldn’t be boosted in Bridge.修复桥上电梯无法升降问题
[*]Fixed issue with elevator not going back to the correct position in Sewers.修复sewer的电梯无法回到正确位置的bug
[*]Numerous other more minor fixes.修复了许多小问题
[*]Implemented Benchmark feature for optimizing graphical settings. 画面设置菜单里增加了显卡测试功能
[*]Fix issue where saving the game could stomp on other save data 修复了存盘时破坏其他存档的bug
[*]Added additional code to prevent ‘infinite falling’ states. 解决了无限坠落问题
[*]Fixed an issue where players would be unable to grapple if they missed the helicopter in the Royal Hotel. 修复在Royal Hotel无法钩住直升机的bug
[*]Fix for Bane not spawning again in FFC at start of the Prison level 修复监狱关里Bane无法重生的bug
[*]Fixed the Bird side mission not starting properly 修复Bird支线任务无法开始的bug
[*]Immediately acquiring concussion detonator after using batwing now saves objective when fast traveling later 乘蝙蝠机快速旅行后立刻释放震荡波?
[*]Added fix for not being able to get 100% because the Concept Art is measured out of 120 instead of the correct value of 80 修复所有任务做完仍无法100%的bug
[*]Fixed another ‘infinite falling’ issue in GCPD 修复警察局无限坠落bug
[*]Fixed missing objective for Lacey Towers in certain scenarios修复在奇迹之塔某些任务丢失任务目标的bug
[*]Fix for the player being locked behind a door by AI vs AI (user was stuck in Industrial District Enigma Tower)修复玩家被卡在门后的bug(卡在工业区的Enigma Tower)
3DM的6号升级档以及之前的累积更新,也就是官方截至Patch 1.8的累积更新内容
Patch 1.8 now live. This Patch fixes the following:
[*]Fixed buildings not properly loading when fast traveling
[*]Disabled invalid collision object in Mad Hatter level, which was preventing some people from crossing the river
[*]Fix for save corruption after Deadshot boss fight
Patch 1.7 now live. This Patch fixes the following:
[*]Fixed Bane not spawning in prison
[*]Fix elevator that won’t move when generator is charged in GothamBridge
[*]Fix for getting stuck outside of GCPD shooting range
[*]Fix Jezebel Plaza Objective never clearing away after interrogating Santa Hat Thug
Patch for PC is now live. This Patch will fix the following:
[*]Fix for the issue that was causing credits, consumables, and profile progress to not be saved in Multiplayer.
[*]Fix for the Burnley Tower vent that Batman wasn't able to climb up
[*]Fix for Free Flow Focus mode not unlocking upon unlocking Shadow Vigilante rank 3
[*]Fixed player falling through elevators/world in most cases. For players that were stuck in free fall loop; if you are not back into the game or if it looks weird around you when you load the game, here are the steps.
[*]Go in pause menu and select Restart from Checkpoint.
[*]If Restart from checkpoint didn’t work, trying beating up all enemies around you.
[*]If there aren’t any enemies around you, try going through a door.
[*]Those steps should get you back into the game.
This patch went live for the PC on 11-01:
[*]Fix Black Mask side quest not being able to complete
[*]Fixes the savegames where the player cannot select ‘continue’ (only new).It also fixes the bug where the user is stuck in the Anarky Bomb mission, but cannot continue because the world isn’t properly loaded around them.
[*]Prevents player from falling out of world through elevator after activating the switch and walking towards console
太感谢了~~~~~ 这次更新会让许多嫌弃BUG的人闭嘴了 吧 对这代的优化以及BUG真心无语啊,还是前两代完美~ 只是更新bug,没有DLC啊?那不更新了,那么大的更新包还不如重新下个疯人院玩 太好了,更新修复很多bug问题啊,就是有点大啊,7个g, 楼主果然强大,不过玩的时候倒是没遇到那么多BUG,看了下内容,还是先不更新了,{:3_117:} 滑翔时无法左键飞踢的BUG何时能解决:curse: 全是修复BUG啊..还以为更新了DLC呢 o o打了7号之后原来那个BUG的通信塔开始无限掉落了.....是我游戏的问题么
楼主好人,谢谢。 用R组的7号升级档才240多M,而且我玩的时候基本没遇到过BUG,除了那个明显的通讯塔…… 元成 发表于 2013-11-27 11:11 static/image/common/back.gif
只是更新bug,没有DLC啊?那不更新了,那么大的更新包还不如重新下个疯人院玩 ...
有的,正版的话又开了几个皮肤在故事模式里可以用,另外多出了2个DLC包,2个Black Mask的挑战地图,另外联机模式也有个DLC,装备有属性了,还有多出了个短管的散弹枪,3个包分别4.99,1.99,2.99刀,如果买了季票第一个就免费
w870305 发表于 2013-11-27 14:02 static/image/common/back.gif
cjj134567 发表于 2013-11-30 05:41 static/image/common/back.gif
有的,正版的话又开了几个皮肤在故事模式里可以用,另外多出了2个DLC包,2个Black Mask的挑战地图,另外联机 ...
呵呵,放弃治疗吧。这个第三代真心不如前两代 元成 发表于 2013-11-30 16:03 static/image/common/back.gif
也不存在什么何弃疗,毕竟这是杯面,游戏只是其中一环,在者阿卡姆之城已经很完善了,很多人还意犹未尽,这版算是复刻版也算不错,还有联机,毕竟是华纳蒙特利尔做的.真要等突破,等接下来Rocksteady的正统续作吧,话说Joker死了很难办啊... 估计明年就是年度版,哈哈 Shadow丶R 发表于 2013-11-27 16:44 static/image/common/back.gif
o o打了7号之后原来那个BUG的通信塔开始无限掉落了.....是我游戏的问题么
我打了R组5号档完全从来没有遇过任何问题,还要不要再打7号? cjj134567 发表于 2013-11-30 05:42 static/image/common/back.gif
w870305 发表于 2013-12-1 09:35 static/image/common/back.gif
so,直接俯冲下去跟冲击波吧= =不要纠结了 cjj134567 发表于 2013-11-30 18:02 static/image/common/back.gif
也不存在什么何弃疗,毕竟这是杯面,游戏只是其中一环,在者阿卡姆之城已经很完善了,很多人还意犹未尽,这版 ...
不知道 R版7号升级可以正常打论坛中的唯一的8号升级吗?(http://dl.3dmgame.com/201312/40960.html)