本帖最后由 rexgh 于 2013-10-29 18:12 编辑附件在最底下,下载解压覆盖即可或者复制我的代码到游戏根目录的下x360ce.ini里保存,用了可以的麻烦回下贴,谢谢了
买了俩北通蝙蝠。试过论坛好多软件,要么没震动。要么只能一个手柄。要么不识别了,很头疼。后来找到XINPUTTEST,十分简单。进游戏竟然可以,然后俩手柄发现只可以用一个。然后我打开下x360ce.ini 。开始琢磨怎么修改。后来发现主要是因为里的Index=-1 是 忽略第二个手柄 ,改成0就是启用,并且当作主手柄。但是我的IPAD1第一个手柄已经是主手柄了。所以我改成了Index=1,进游戏发现OK。但是按键不对,我就又把IPAD1底下的全部复制过去搞定,哦也,双飞~~兴奋,决定造福社会,分享自己的软件,已经设置好。解压覆盖到游戏里就可以了。也也可以直接复制下面的内容到你目录里的X360CE.INI里。
UseInitBeep=1 #use 0 to 1; default 1; beep on init
Log=0 #use 0 to 1; creates a log file in folder 'x360ce logs'
Index=0 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad
Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog X=6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog Y=-3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable
D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable
A=3 #button id; 0 to disable
B=2 #button id; 0 to disable
X=4 #button id; 0 to disable
Y=1 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable
Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable
Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable
TriggerDeadzone=0 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger
Left Trigger=7 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
Right Trigger=8 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0
SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0
ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100
AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS
AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS
AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS
POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down
POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right
Index=1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad
Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog X=6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog Y=-3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable
D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable
A=3 #button id; 0 to disable
B=2 #button id; 0 to disable
X=4 #button id; 0 to disable
Y=1 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable
Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable
Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable
TriggerDeadzone=0 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger
Left Trigger=7 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
Right Trigger=8 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0
SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0
ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100
AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS
AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS
AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS
POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down
POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right
Index=-1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad
Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable
D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable
A=2 #button id; 0 to disable
B=3 #button id; 0 to disable
X=1 #button id; 0 to disable
Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable
Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable
Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable
TriggerDeadzone=0 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger
Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0
SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0
ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100
AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS
AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS
AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS
POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down
POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right
Index=-1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad
Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable
Left Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog X Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Right Analog Y Linear=0 #-100 to +100raise this number to increase sensitivity near center
Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog X- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y+ Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
Right Analog Y- Button=0#button id; 0 to disable
D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable
D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable
D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable
A=2 #button id; 0 to disable
B=3 #button id; 0 to disable
X=1 #button id; 0 to disable
Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable
Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable
Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable
Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable
Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable
TriggerDeadzone=0 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger
Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;
UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0
SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0
ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100
AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS
AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS
AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS
POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down
POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right
:(都没人回复我丫。。。琢磨了很久的。。。造福社会来着 :):):)顶一个,感谢分享 不觉明厉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 和LZ的是同一个模拟软件~经常有些游戏右摇杆方向错误的话我也自己修改配置文件~~哈哈
只不过至今从未震动过一次。 liping4369713 发表于 2013-10-29 09:21 static/image/common/back.gif
只不过至今从未震动过 ...
你在游戏里吧震动打开,。就是标题模式选择画面按Y键,按键操作设定里的最后个震动。里面的关改成ON,坑爹翻译成“向上” 多谢分享!!!
oyyt1987 发表于 2013-10-29 14:45 static/image/common/back.gif
好使了 感觉楼主 这个补丁试过可以联机吗 流弊-0 - 亲。 谢谢楼主、回去试试、手柄不震动 感谢!!!!!!!!!! 多谢楼主:):):):):):) rotcb 发表于 2013-10-29 18:52 static/image/common/back.gif
那个要打联机补丁吧 手柄没有反应是不是这个可以解决? huanliu81 发表于 2013-10-29 20:49 static/image/common/back.gif
必须可以哇 不用这么麻烦吧 下载个ds3tool 然后load driver 设置成360手柄就行了 spiegelei 发表于 2013-10-30 01:50 static/image/common/back.gif
不用这么麻烦吧 下载个ds3tool 然后load driver 设置成360手柄就行了
这麻烦 ??下载解压覆盖就好。傻瓜式操作,不要设置,你觉得你那个下载解压还要设置的简单、??代码复制保存也很简单
我装进去了 然后那个启动 我看也有显示 但是不知道为什么 不能进入游戏 手柄没反应阿求助阿 电脑小白阿 请问装完启动哪个才可以用手柄玩阿 谢谢LZ分享 25块的杂牌手柄,插上没任何反映,请问LZ这个附件有用么 吻旳、太逼真 发表于 2013-10-30 19:12 static/image/common/back.gif
我装进去了 然后那个启动 我看也有显示 但是不知道为什么 不能进入游戏 手柄没反应阿求助阿 电脑小白阿...
不要启动任何东西啊、你直接把附件下载。解压,然后全部复制到游戏目录覆盖就好 2700794 发表于 2013-10-31 19:15 static/image/common/back.gif
感谢分享 一直用这东西,放进游戏文件夹打开就能看到手柄连接成功,都不带设置的 吻旳、太逼真 发表于 2013-10-30 19:12 static/image/common/back.gif
我装进去了 然后那个启动 我看也有显示 但是不知道为什么 不能进入游戏 手柄没反应阿求助阿 电脑小白阿...
解压。全部复制进你的游戏安装目录覆盖。然后什么都不用启动设置。插上手柄打开游戏直接玩 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 感谢楼主的分享