12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nights-REL
http://photo1.bababian.com/upload6/20071206/FC8BD9743CD93CBD2EA876C95C53F2F9_500.jpg游戏原名:Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights 种子版本:Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nights-RELOADED游戏类型:竞速类
开发厂商:Juice Games发售厂商:THQ
容量:DVD 5游戏版本:
美版 韩版 日版 发售平台:PC PS3 XBOX360 NDS PSP
《极品醉车2:激情之夜(Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights)》是以世界诸多著名城市为背景并让玩家开着百万名车恣意狂奔,且游戏拥有丰富的车辆改装模式。将在系列前作基础上增加新的漂移驾驶特性、全新赛道和以及数量超乎想象的丰富车辆改装选项,改装用的零部件的种类和数量都将比前作有大幅度提高。另外值得一提的是,本作还设有一个特殊的赛手DNA系统,游戏可以自动记录玩家在比赛中的驾驶习惯和特点,创建虚拟的赛车手档案并与其他玩家交流和分享。
种子:下载 ?▄▄ ?
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Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights (c) THQ
12/2007 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Racing
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Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights (HIN) evolves the current street racing scene,
letting players experience the culture of the real-life HIN tour, the
nation's largest lifestyle custom car show in an intense racing experience.
Featuring track and drift racing at real-world locations around the globe,
next-gen AI and unparalleled vehicle customization, Juiced 2: HIN brings
street racing to life, allowing players to test their skills at live street
racing events against a back-drop of DJs, models and musicians.
Groundbreaking new features include addictive drift/powersliding races and
"Driver DNA" that tracks gamersÆ personal driving traits. These profiles,
along with the profiles of select celebrities will be available for download
across all online gaming systems. Racing developer Juice Games has evolved
the game-play that revolutionized online racing, giving players the power
to create their car, assemble their crew and put it all on the line in
intense pink slip and crew races. Gamers will also be able to bet cash on
each event, bringing a gambling element to the game that greatly increases
the importance of each race.
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1. Unrar.
2. Burn the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy the cracked executable from the Crack directory on the DVD to
your installation directory.
5. Play the game.
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" Now hiring Talented Crackers and system coders "
回复:极品醉车2:激情之夜 已出
这么好的东西没人顶啊?楼主我支持你 !回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
的确是好东西回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
画面真不错.回复 4F gong121 的帖子
肯定高硬件要求...回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
电脑吃不住的样子,不过游戏貌似不错回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
画面好漂亮 不知偶的6600能不能跑起...回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
下不了种子 为什么??回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
画面还行,下下看。谢了!回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
画面不错,不知道跑不跑得动回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
谢谢LZ回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
这个配置不会太BT,它1出的时候我ATI9550可以开全效,但是NFS9还差几个月。回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
介绍就拜托了 非常详细 辛苦了回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
唉 看来电脑升级在所难免了 1代就很不错回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
好东西~~~~回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
8过下好了怎么安装?回复:12.05.07 极品醉车2:激情之夜【Juiced.2.Hot.Import.Nigh
可以看CODE1. Unrar. 解压.rar
2. Burn the image. 刻录iso文件,建议先 用虚拟光驱加载.iso
3. Install the game. 安装
4. Copy the cracked executable from the Crack directory on the DVD to
your installation directory. 把iso里的Crack文件的破解补丁覆盖到你的安装目录
5. Play the game. 游戏