(转)Patch 2.8/2.7/2.6 更新列表
Patch 2.8 (2013.9.21)· 4v4 Multiplayer Games should nolonger frequently crash when launching.· 4v4多人游戏不再在启动时崩溃。· The AIs have remembered how to ageup again and will no longer stall in the Feudal age.· AI现已学会时代演进,不会再停留在封建时代。· Game saves and replays from 2.6multiplayer should function properly. We’re working on systems to enablebackwards compatibility in the future. Due to these changes, 2.7 games andsaves will not be supported.· 2.6多人游戏保存和重放应已正常工作。我们正在一些系统上工作,以使在未来的向后兼容性。由于这些变化,2.7游戏和保存将不被支持。· Several bugs resulting in gameinstability have been resolved· 修复数个导致游戏不稳定的错误· Garrison should be functioningproperly· 驻扎应已正常工作· With new profiles the lobby filterwill be set to “worldwide” by default instead of regional· 大厅过滤器的新配置文件将被默认设定为“全球”,而不是区域
Patch2.7 (2013.9.18)
Numerousbackground tweaks to help with handling of AoF game files / campaigns.不计其数的背景微调,以帮助处理AOF游戏的文件/战役。
Creating MPgames 创建多人游戏· You can now choose to make a gameranked / unranked. For a ranked game to be valid, it will still need to satisfythe ranked conditions.· 现在,您可以选择使一场比赛排名/不排名。欲令一个排列的游戏有效,它仍然将需满足排名条件。
Pre-gameLobby 游戏大厅· Lobby provides detailed real-timefeedback on why a ranked match isn’t ranked based on game settings.· 大厅提供的详细实时反馈关于为什么一个比赛由于游戏设置而未被排名。Lobbymust be created as a ranked game. Games must be ranked at creation to allowother players to discover ranked or unranked games. Once created you cannotchange this.大厅必须创建为一个排名游戏。一定要在创建游戏时选择排名,以让其他玩家发现排名或无排名游戏。一旦创建你不能改变这一点。Mustbe two teams必须是两个组队Cannothave AI players不能有AI玩家Cannothave coop players (two players sharing same color)不能有双控玩家(两名玩家共享相同的颜色)Teamsmust contain same number of players (no 3v1 games)组队必须包含相同数量的玩家(没有3V1游戏)Cheatscannot be enabled不能启用秘籍Teamsmust be locked组队必须锁定Scenariogames are not ranked场景游戏不排名WonderRace is only ranked if it contains two players.奇观竟赛仅当包含两名玩家时排名。· Lobby crash fix when someone joinedlobby and their ELO wasn’t yet retrieved from Steam.· 修复大厅在ELO尚未从Steam检索的玩家加入时的崩溃。· Fixed all known situations where ELOwasn't dislaying or updating properly in lobby.· 修复了所有已知的ELO大厅不正确显示或更新的情况。· Friend’s filter is respected now· 现在尊重好友的过滤器· If the host changes any of thesettings, any readied players will automatically be unreadied. This is toprevent some bait-and-switch changes that go unnoticed.· 如果主机更改任何设置,任何准备的玩家将被自动转为未准备。这是为了防止一些欺诈性的变更被忽视。· There were some bugs with chat ifmore than 50 lines of chat were entered into lobby that would cause chat toautomatically repeat when settings were changed.· 关于聊天的BUG:如果超过了50行聊天输入大厅,这会导致在设置变更时聊天会被自动重复。· Increased ranked options to includeRM and DM for additional control.· 增加包括RM和DM的排名选项以进行额外的控制。
ELO· Ranked Games must be played for 60seconds before it can be officially ranked· 排名赛必须在游戏开始60秒后才可以正式排名· The ELO pre-game penalty is nowadjusted to reflect the potential points at stake in the game as opposed to aminimal fixed amount.· ELO赛前的罚款,现已调整,以反映游戏中关键时的潜在分数,相对于最小的固定数量。(这是什么玩意)· Improved ELO calculation throughoutthe game to ensure proper calculations at all stages in the game.· 改进的ELO计算横贯整个游戏,以确保在游戏中的各个阶段均正确计算。· ELO changes per game are capped atan absolute range of +- 32 points.· 每场比赛的ELO变化范围限定为+ - 32分。
Quickmatch 快速匹配· Properly utilizes ELO includingmodes (deathmatch vs random match)· 正确应用包含ELO的模式(死亡竞赛与随机地图匹配)· You can now filter by ranked orunranked modes· 您现在可以过滤排名或无排名模式· You can now filter by regions.· 您现在可以按地区筛选。
ScenarioEditor 地图编辑器· All features of scenario editorsupport references to the string table so you don’t have to embed text into thescenario, allowing for localization. Mostly trigger descriptions· 场景编辑器支持引用字符串表的所有功能,因此允许您在不必于剧本内嵌入文本的情况下实现语言本地化。· Cursor no longer gets stuck ini-beam· 光标不再卡在文本输入状态(I形状)· Snap-to-grid mode using Ctrl+Scycles through 3 placement modes for objects:· 对齐网格模式下,使用Ctrl + S在3种放置对象的模式之间循环切换:Normalmode (objects placed on specific tiles)正常模式(对象放置在特定的地形砖格上)Precisemode (objects can be placed anywhere)精确模式(对象可以放在任何地方)Overlapmode (objects can be placed to overlap other objects)重叠模式(可以放置对象与其他对象重叠)· Layout of trigger effects improved· 触发效果的布局改善· Object Change Name filter improved· 改变对象名称的过滤器改善· You can now use negative numbers inthe quantity field.· 您现可在数量输入框中使用负数。
Game play 游戏体验· The score summary during the gamealso lists the age each player is in.· 在游戏过程中的得分汇总还将列出每个玩家所处的时代· Keyboard scrolling is pixel smoothnow (instead of half-tile at a time)· 键盘滚动像素平滑(而不是一次半格)
Techtree 科技树· Archery range line no longer drawserroneously to top edge.· 靶场线不再错误地绘制到顶部边缘。
Achievements成就· Defeating multiple CPU opponentsworks as described.· 击败多CPU对手将如同描述正常工作。· You can no longer acquireachievements if cheat codes were used in a game and you will also receive anotification at the end of a game should this happen.· 可以不再获得的成就,如果在一场比赛中使用秘籍,你也将收到通知,在结束的一场比赛中,如果发生这种情况。
Options 选项· Scroll speed has a much wider rangeand is linearly adjusted. You will need to adjust it.· 滚动速度具有更广泛的范围并可被线性调整。您将需要对此进行调整。· You can now disable right mousebutton scrolling if you prefer.· 如您愿意,现可禁用鼠标右键滚屏。· New option to enable or disable the3D Animated Water. For players experience performance difficulties, this willlikely yield some marked framerate boosts.· 可启用或禁用3D动画水纹的新选项。对于感觉性能困难的玩家,这可能会产生一些明显的帧率提升。
General 一般性修正· Fixed missing description for TurboRandom Map· 修正加速随机地图缺少的描述· Default Farm textures replaced.· 默认农场纹理重置。· Fixed hotkeys for group 0.· 修正0组的热键。· Fog of war object shadows (buildingfootprints) no longer show up through explored fog of war.· 战争迷雾对象的阴影(建筑脚印)不再通过探索战争迷雾显示。(建筑阴影留下的残影)· Fog of war is slightly darker now.· 战争迷雾稍微加深。· Several code actions upon mouseclickhave been optimized to reduce the game from unnecessarily 'drawing' the gamescreen. For some players, this may present some benefits to the overall feel ofthe game and help reduce command lag if you have a framerate over 60fps. We areactively looking into numerous areas to further improve performance.· 几个鼠标点击后的代码操作进行了优化,以减少不必要的'画'的游戏画面游戏。对于一些玩家,这可能会提升游戏给人的整体感觉,如果你有一个超过60fps的帧率,这将有助于减少命令滞后。我们正在积极寻找众多能够以进一步提高性能的领域。
Patch2.6 (2013.7.27)
Updates 更新· Mayans have their eagle warrior back (insteadof a scout cavalry).· 玛雅人恢复雄鹰战士(而不是侦察骑兵)。· Detailed ELO information can be displayed inthe main menu while in the multiplayer section. You can mouse over it for evenmore detailed information.· 多人游戏章节中详细的ELO信息可以在主菜单中显示。可以鼠标移到上面以查看更详细的信息。· ELO rankings now show up in the lobbies, andupdate appropriately depending on mode.· ELO排名现在在大厅显示,并根据模式恰当更新。· Whenever you complete a match, you will getdetails about how your ELO rankings were effected. It will also detail reasonswhy ELO rankings wouldn't have changed too, such as playing a game containingAIs, or aborting a match before the time limit elapsed.· 每当你完成一个比赛,你会得到你的ELO排名受到如何影响的详细信息。它也会告知为什么ELO排名不会改变的详细原因,如游戏包含AI玩家,或在时间限制过去前中止游戏。· The Steam Overlay should no longer interferewith frame rate issues.· Steam覆盖应该不再干扰帧率。· Games will not effect ELO until the game hasbeen played for 90 seconds. This has been reduced from 5 minutes in RM and 2minutes in DM. Both modes are now 90 seconds based on game speed (i.e. 'fast'is 2.0 speed, so actual time is 45 seconds)· 游戏进行90秒之前不会影响ELO。RM、DM这两种模式现在分别从5分钟和2分钟减少为标准游戏速度的基础下90秒(“快速”是2.0倍速度,所以实际时间为45秒)· History screen now plays correct sounds foreach of the civs.· 历史界面现在正确播放每个文明的声音。· In game event notifications for findingsheep, completing research, etc., are showing up again.· 在游戏中找到绵羊,完成研究等事件通知再次恢复显示。
Known Issues 已知问题· The main menu ELO stats only calculate whenyou enter the multiplayer screen. If the stats appear incorrect, leave the menuand re-enter the menu and they should update. It can take a few seconds toretrieve them from Steam after starting a game or updating scores at the end ofa match.· 主菜单的ELO统计只在进入多人游戏界面时计算。如果出现不正确的统计,离开菜单并重新进入菜单,则数据应该更新。在启动游戏后或游戏结束时更新分数后,从Steam取回数据将花费几秒钟。· There could be some overlap issues in thelobby screen to make room for the ELO, especially in some of the foreignlanguages.· 在大厅界面建立ELO房间时可能有一些重叠问题,尤其是某些外语用户界面。· If you quit a game (vs resigning), you willnot receive the popup message detailing any ELO changes.· 如果您退出游戏(而不是弃权),您将不会收到任何关于ELO变化的详细信息的弹出消息。
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