火心 发表于 2013-8-8 00:36


Korneel van 't Land informed us about the plans BI has set up with regards to the Arma 3 campaign which will not be included in the official Arma 3 release but will come in 3 different DLC episodes.
Bohemia Interactive have published a new item on the developer’s blog to explain the motivations behind the decision to delay the campaign in detail. Below we list some interesting facts posted:
[*]In September, Arma 3 is launching across digital and retail stores worldwide. The exact release date will be announced at the end of this week. Campaign episode release dates will be detailed later.
[*]In the past, Arma has garnered something of a reputation for instability. We've been single-minded in our pursuit of real improvements in this area.
[*]Almost two years of work related to the original direction was binned.
[*]When the game deploys, players will be met with a set of 12 diverse Showcases and 3 Faction Showcases, 10 Challenges, 9 multiplayer scenarios across 4 unique modes

Quote :
Prague, Czech Republic, Tuesday 6th August 2013

Bohemia Interactive is planning to release Arma 3’s campaign in 3 free episodes after the game’s initial launch. Supplied as free DLC, the first episode, Survive, will be made available within one month, while the following episodes, Adapt and Win, are slated for release in the months thereafter. This means that, with the free campaign arriving later, the game will premiere with the large island terrains of Altis (270 km2) and Stratis (20 km2), 12 singleplayer showcase missions, 3 faction showcases, 9 multiplayer scenarios, a set of 10 firing drill challenges, over 20 vehicles, more than 40 weapons, 5 factions, the powerful scenario editor and modding support.

http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/a3_waveplant_4.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/a3_tank_4.jpg

Following an eventful past year, and a splendid reception of the Arma 3 Alpha and Beta, the studio honestly admits to the difficulties it experienced with its parallel development. While the team was developing the full game, at the same time it was supporting the Alpha and Beta. However, since the game has made tremendous progress as a result, Bohemia Interactive felt confident to maintain its quality-over-quantity mind-set and take some additional time to perfect the campaign. By releasing the expansive platform and adding the free campaign in 3 separate DLC episodes shortly thereafter, players (as well as mod-makers) will be able to get their hands on the full game as soon as possible, and take on the complete military package in Arma 3’s massive sandbox.

Joris-Jan van ‘t Land, Project Lead on Arma 3, elaborates:

“This was not a decision we made lightly. As game creators, we love developing and playing through campaigns so, to those awaiting ours, we say: sorry for the delay. After talking a lot about a focus on quality over the last year, it simply did not feel right to compromise now. Rather than pushing back the entire game, we launch this year with an awesome package – a splendid kick off for the Arma 3 experience.”
Arma 3 is scheduled for release in the third quarter of this year. The specific release date will be announced soon.

http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/a3_ghost_4.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/a3_drones_4.jpg

Make sure to read the new developer’s blog!

即将发售的军事题材射击游戏《武装突袭3》将不会在发售时包括单人战役模式。游戏的开发团队Bohemia Interactive今天宣布,他们将在发售以后把单人模式内容以3个免费的DLC的形式依次推出。



游戏的项目负责人Joris-Jan van't Land在一个声明中表示 “我们很艰难的做出了这个决定。作为游戏的创作者,我们同样喜欢战役模式,所以对于一直等待这个模式的玩家,我们对于延期表示非常的抱歉。过去年一整年我们对于质量有过大量的讨论,我们不想现在放松要求。所以我们没有推迟整个游戏,我们决定在今年推出这些非常棒的内容,来作为以后更多美好的《武装突袭3》游戏体验的开端。”

《武装突袭3》计划在2013年的第三季度发售。Bohemia Interactive表示,具体的发售日期会在近期宣布。玩家可以现在就在Steam上购买这款游戏来加入游戏的Beta测试。

KillerYo 发表于 2013-8-8 10:11


SAEMAGMD 发表于 2013-8-29 17:13

页: [1]
查看完整版本: ARMA3正式版9月份发布,其中战役部分将在一个免费的DLC中提供。