修改器 汉化版同样有效(转自国外论坛)
本帖最后由 小小旅行家 于 2013-6-15 21:43 编辑===========================================
Game Title : Expeditions - Conquistador
Game Version: 1.0.0
Game Sponsor: FLT
Proces Name : Expeditions Conquistador.exe
Script Version: 1.0
CE Version : 6.2
Release date: 31-May-2013
Author : Recifense
31-May-13: First Release
Features: (Script Resources)
- Minimum Resources:
- 药品
- 补给
- 金钱
- 装备
- Unlimited Move Points on Adventure
- Full XP
Features: (Script Movement)
- 无限移动
Features: (Script God Mode)
- 无敌模式(不掉血)
Features: (Script Inventions)
- 快速发明(扎营后)
The script was devided in 4 parts because each code is available after diferent events.
- Script Resources: As soon as the game starts;
- Script Movement *: After anyone movement during battle;
- Script God Mode *: After anyone is hit during battle;
- Script Inventions *: After having access to Inventions screen;
To activate those scripts the related event should have happened at least once.
Save the game before the battle training. And before loading the last save game, load the training and move one slot and shoot at an enemy. Then activate the related script.
Only resources greater than 0 are affected;
That's it;
The spendable XP will always be at maximum;
In some situation it will not work (choices you made)
To attack again you have move the character;
That's it;
The invention points will be set to 7 or 27 or 47 depending on the progress.
CTRL+Page Up = Enableall resources Cheats;
CTRL+Page Down = Disable all resources Cheats;
CTRL+Home = Enableall movement and GM Cheats;
CTRL+End = Disable all movement and GM Cheats;
CTRL+Insert = EnableInventions Cheat;
CTRL+Delete = Disable Inventions Cheat;
The scripts were written when testing CE63 Beta2.
**** Hidden Message *****
转自国外论坛,版权归原作者所有。Cheat Engine 6.2 版本有效你懂的 不会用的 就不要下了 不喜勿喷、勿下。本帖只是搬运。
注意:所有功能默认关闭,手动点击小方框开启,在需要使用的功能后面填写数字1后开启 。无限移动、无限攻击、不伤血这几项修改功能必须在战斗模式下 移动一点 和给敌人打掉了一点血 然后才能开启无限攻击配合无限移动 (每次攻击后移动一步又可以攻击了,{:3_103:}真正的一夫当关万夫莫开,太降低游戏乐趣了,慎用)
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 感谢楼主分享!!! ............................................ I LVOE TISH GMEA
啊打发打发 {:3_91:}{:3_91:}
感谢分享 谢谢楼主,谢谢分享
dddddddddddd :):):):)xiaxiakan
dddddddddddd 谢谢分享 111111111111
:L 这都要隐藏啊…… 感谢分享,留着备用。
好东西 等的就是这个了 多谢搂住了 喜欢~看看~~~~ 喜欢这个!!!看看~~~ 感谢分享 总之先下了。谢谢 CCCCCCCCCCCCC 谢谢分享、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、