求救 远古科技 这个是随机出的 还是特定条件出的
之前玩过用狗熊的 结果不知道怎么误打误撞弄出了个神秘科技解锁了一部分远古科技好强大啊 本来我以为是特定出的就没有存档 可是后来又玩了几个 结果都没有出 现在我好后悔啊 打一些星系里面那种野生的绿色貌似是X开头的船有几率获得 brucehill 发表于 2013-5-22 09:27 static/image/common/back.gif打一些星系里面那种野生的绿色貌似是X开头的船有几率获得
☆星の子☆ 发表于 2013-5-22 09:50 static/image/common/back.gif
We have encountered a strange group of decidedly hostile aliens in our exploration efforts. These aliens are aggressive, unwilling or unable to communicate, and have no regard for their personal safety. The leading theory is that these ships are the remains of some former and now fallen space empire. For this reason, we haved named this race "The Remnant." \n \n By destroying Remnant vessels, our scientists should be able to study the advanced technologies that power them. We will need to assign our scientists to the task of reverse engineering these secrets. A new "Secrets" technology path has been added to the research screen.
这是事件的内容说明大意就是捕捉或摧毁外星船就获得科技 同文件的一行代码表明是100%成功
但是该文件没有具体说明是哪种外星船 我也忘了是哪个文件里的
大约记得就是 Ancient Carrier ;Heavy Drone;Support Drone;Xeno系列(不是太确定,最好先研究了外星语言) ☆星の子☆ 发表于 2013-5-22 11:05 static/image/common/back.gif
We have encountered a strange group of decidedly hostile aliens in our exploration efforts. These al ...
brucehill 发表于 2013-5-22 11:19 static/image/common/back.gif
我记得我当时打的飞船里面就有叫Xeno的,还有一种叫啥我忘了。。。。不过应该不需要研究外星语言的,我一 ...