1085703725 发表于 2013-4-13 23:13


刚才整理点东西,有些东西,百度 大妈,MOD,和5都查不到到底是啥,坑爹的翻译也看不懂,那位说一下Dark_Orb_Faction_黑石营地.rar

Dark Orb Faction Mod

It adds new small town south of Bravil close to Fort Irony (A little South from for. Entrance will be from lake side)

Lots of new NPC open for buisnes and traning. Awsome place for your new home away from home

In short. Town got own Smithy, Tavern, Castle with shops and rare item shops and generators with sigli stones for with you have to fight your way if you done Kvatch quest. Lots of quards what will protect you or kill you if you are criminal. Many colorfull characters what can teach you or sell you nice things and even share their garden secrets with you ;) Also by visiting this place from time to time you will get own Salary depending on your level just for living there and own share in Income from the gold mine

Mod is not plan to continue so if you want to use those materials fell free to do so. You can use everything except Demon Hunter faction characters (Those are only for use to Lakword with DX3395 Permission)

Most of characters you may saw in Fallout 3 mod "War of Champions" So now Kuroi and IgnacyOrder (Me) are not mortal enemies but allies

Week plan is important since most of NPC got programed to not work everyday or do somethings

Monday, Wendsday and Friday are mostly buisnes days. All shops are open and all trainers are on duty

Tusday and Thursday are patrol days. Half of shops open. Rest is closed because of Kuroi Inspection, money colecting and resupply

Saturday is resupply day. All shops closed except Labolatory one. All NPC are resting in tavern or town or colecting new ingridients in the Garden

Sunday is also day of. But better not interupt Kuroi or Ignacy that day. The general meeting of all main characters from castle is in that day. Best day to rob Vault if you ask me hehehe


Shivering Isles needed if you dont wanna see some marks. I think Lakword may have used few plants from shivering isles

Other things are not needed I guess. CM partners... Hmmm I dont know if they wont try atack NPC in there. Best not since all NPC except Mana the Golem are mortal. Hard to kill but if you kill them they wont respawn so watch out what you bring in there

Maps for use are now reserved for Master Kafana of the Golden Crest mod as a donation from Lakword ;)


bluesky404 发表于 2013-4-13 23:21


1085703725 发表于 2013-4-13 23:34

bluesky404 发表于 2013-4-13 23:21 static/image/common/back.gif
这是Bing的搜索结果:http://cn.bing.com/search?q=Dark+Orb+Faction+Mod&src=IE-TopResult&FORM= ...


s5283193 发表于 2013-4-15 20:03

英语不好啊!! 没办法!!

l78990 发表于 2013-4-15 20:50

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