NVIDIA 314.22 WHQL【显卡驱动】
This is the GeForce GameReady driver for BioShock Infinite,delivering up to 41% faster performance.
New in GeForce 314.22Drivers
[*]Performance Boost – Increases performancefor GeForce 400/500/600 series GPUs in several PC games vs. GeForce314.07 WHQL-certified drivers. Results will vary depending on your GPUand system configuration. Here are a few examples:
GeForce GTX 680:
[*]Up to 41% faster in BioShockInfinite
[*]Up to 60% faster in TombRaider
[*]Up to 23% faster in Sniper Elite V2
[*]Up to 13% faster in Sleeping Dogs
GeForceGTX 680 SLI:
[*]Up to 21% faster in Sniper Elite V2
[*]Up to 14% faster in Sleeping Dogs
[*]Up to 10% faster in StarCraft II
[*]Up to 15% faster in Civilization V
[*]NVIDIA SLI Technology – Adds or updates the following SLI profiles (since GeForce314.14 drivers):
[*]Sniper Elite: NaziZombie Army –Added DX11 SLI profile
[*]Dungeons and Dragons:Neverwinter –Added DX9 SLI profile
[*]BioShock Infinite – Added AO profile
[*]NVIDIA 3D Vision – Adds the following profiles (since GeForce 314.14drivers):
[*]MUD - rated Good
[*]Brutal Legend - rated Good
[*]Tomb Raider - updated rating to Good
[*]支援以 CUDA 5 Preview 或 CUDA Toolkit 之前版本所建立的應用程式。如需更多資訊,請瀏覽 http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit
[*]安装 PhysX 系统软件 v9.12.1031。
[*]安裝 HD Audio v1.3.23.1.
[*]在 GeForce400 系列以及更高型号的 GPU 上支持 OpenGL 4.3。
[*]支持针对 GeForce GTX 600 系列 的DisplayPort 1.2。
[*]支持用于 GPU 计算的多种编程语言和 API:CUDA C、CUDA C++、CUDA Fortran、OpenCL、DirectCompute 以及 Microsoft C++ AMP。
[*]支持单 GPU 及 NVIDIA SLI 技术* 在 DirectX 9, 和 DirectX10 上的应用。
*注:只有 Windows Vista、Windows 7 与 Windows 8 才支持下列 NVIDIA SLI 特性: GeForce GTX 600 系列 SLI、四路 SLI 技术、三路 SLI 技术、智能 SLI 以及 SLI 多显示器支持。
GeForce 600 series:
GTX TITAN, GTX 680, GTX 670, GTX 660 Ti, GTX 660, GTX 650 Ti, GTX 650, GT 645, GT 640, GT 630, GT 620, GT 610, 605
GeForce 500 series:
GTX 590, GTX 580, GTX 570, GTX 560 Ti, GTX 560 SE, GTX 560, GTX 555, GTX 550 Ti, GT 545, GT 530, GT 520, 510
GeForce 400 series:
GTX 480, GTX 470, GTX 465, GTX 460 v2, GTX 460 SE v2, GTX 460 SE, GTX 460, GTS 450, GT 440, GT 430, GT 420, 405
GeForce 300 series:
GT 340, GT 330, GT 320, 315, 310
GeForce 200 series:
GTX 295, GTX 285, GTX 280, GTX 275, GTX 260, GTS 250, GTS 240, GT 240, GT 230, GT 220, G210, 210, 205
GeForce 100 series:
GT 140, GT 130, GT 120, G 100
GeForce 9 series:
9800GX2, 9800 GTX/GTX+, 9800 GT, 9600 GT, 9600 GSO, 9600 GS, 9500 GT, 9500GS, 9400 GT, 9400, 9300 GS, 9300 GE, 9300, 9200, 9100
GeForce 8 series:
8800Ultra, 8800 GTX, 8800 GTS 512, 8800 GTS, 8800 GT, 8800 GS, 8600 GTS,8600 GT, 8600 GS, 8500 GT, 8400 SE, 8400 GS, 8400, 8300 GS, 8300, 8200/ nForce 730a, 8200, 8100 / nForce 720a
ION series:
版本314.22 WHQL
操作系统Windows XP
语言Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小141 MB
版本314.22 WHQL
操作系统Windows XP 64-bit
语言Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小177 MB
版本314.22 WHQL
操作系统Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 7
语言Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小163 MB
版本314.22 WHQL
操作系统Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit
语言Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小211 MB
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