rav009 发表于 2013-3-12 21:39



Treespeaker 发表于 2013-3-12 21:50

目前正版15日解锁,不过北美今天已经解锁了,多人游戏嘛 我在steam社区上看见很多老外在抱怨这个多人联机。貌似就2张图,一种模式。TD模式。不少人在喷。目测多人以后会出类似DLC的下载包圈钱...完毕-.-

Treespeaker 发表于 2013-3-12 21:57

本帖最后由 Treespeaker 于 2013-3-12 21:59 编辑

老实说 我希望国内服务器能好点,那边开的貌似不怎么滴。

自己看 那个老外说的
multiplayer wont work cant join a match at all and when you go to host a match u cant even load the map wtf........ and they said there would be two gamemodes there is only one and its TDM........ plus they said there is 5 maps when i can only see 2 wtf........... really i would expect lag issues because its a new game, but not being able to play the MP at all..... all i can say is i feel lied too

This is correct, only TDM and 2 maps, and most servers (4 as of the time of writing this) are unjoinable..... my money is wasted, thank god i got Bioshock Infinite as well.

rav009 发表于 2013-3-13 09:37

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查看完整版本: 请问谁能来介绍下2代的联机吗?多人好玩吗?