Planet Explorers 0.52 下载
本帖最后由 comix 于 2013-2-28 19:12 编辑BT下载地址
A small update that fixes most of the bugs found in 0.51 as well as added a camera sensitivity slider control to the options menu.
Bugs fixed:Items related
- character disappearing when using bronze helmet装备青铜头盔时人物会消失
- some monsters are now not lootable (turtle, needlenose, warbird, gibbon, dark spiders, small lizard)好像是添加了一些怪物(海龟,针鼻,巨型鸟,长臂猿,蜘蛛,蜥蜴)
- only Adisa seems to sell car cockpits, and there's only 1只有Adisa 卖汽车座舱,而且只卖一个?
- Nan doesn't give you an engine to rest even when he says he'll give you an engine to test (you have to buy it)修复Nan 不给你引擎的问题
- long and short cannons shouldn't turn 360修复短炮不能旋转360度的问题
- missile turrets don't shoot at things in the air?修复导弹不打空中怪物的问题
- can't cut the euphorbia plant!修复euphorbia不能砍伐的问题
- can't cut the arch plant in grassland!修复不能砍伐拱形植物(就是那个半圆形的巨大植物)的问题
- what plant gives resin?修复没有植物掉松香的问题
- vehicle parts/guns are not in adventure or build mode (should be!)修复汽车不能再build模式下建造的问题
- the color for cars don't get used up in the tool bag汽车的颜色涂料无用
- make all the items available for free or purchase in the adventure and create modesNPC related
- areas on the world map are sometimes not marked (Gerdy and Allen)Gerdy and Allen说在地图上标记目标但是没有真的标记
- NPCs don't actually mark anything on the map when they say they do! And sometimes they should be marking a large circular areaNPC说在地图上标记目标但是没有真的标记。有些目标标记的范围太大了。
- the alien rescue story is completely messed up外星人营救任务太乱了。
- Tariq gets stuck behind trees a lot on the way to the alien baseTariq 去外星人基地的路上总是被树木卡住
- Rol and the other person gets stuck once they're out of the cage, cannot get past mission!Rol 和其他人一旦在离开监狱时卡住,任务就不能继续!!!
- Martians sound too quietMartians 说话声音太小了
- npcs should pause longer before walking off
- why's chen or any npc sitting when a scene is going on?!
- when the battle is done, gerdy's interaction pops up (and it's actually chen's) right before allen asks her if she's alright, shouldn't happen
- NPCs and buddies don't follow when fast traveling or when they're out of range
- NPCs can't be revived by the revival shot
- getting items from dead NPC may go outside its window when the NPC has too many items (UI)
- NPC character will play one animation continuously when hit by a charging animal
- NPCs don't seem to fatigue
- Adisa transparency in hair
- NPCs cannot pathfind in cavesnpc不能正常找到山洞。
- NPC jumps in water- no exclaimation mark on backpack
- chenzhen's "lets go back to the camp" needs to be highlightedOther:
- trees still blink, not enough flora on the ground for fantastic tree level - cannot open the options menu ingame with the wrench
- still rains too much when loading in, make it so it doesn't rain when it start
- turrets fall into walls sometimes when you come from far away
- the red crown have a lot of problems in animation and the way they behave when on the ground, one of them just stops attacking when on the ground
- some turrets die but don't disappear
- turrets that doesn't have 4 blocks supporting needs to stop firing and have a red exclaimation mark on its head
- do missiles die when they miss and go really far?
- sword trails
- sword hit effects
- paint are to hard to come by (should be able to buy a lot or replicate a lot)
- the camera should push up before pushing close when clipping into the ground
- rivers don't show up on the minimap
- character will go into running motion when swimming at the river surface from below
- the breath from the red crown should knock a person to the ground
- the river plane right now just ends, no edge
- spread the animals out more within a group
- does the moon phase change at all?
难道是沙发? 没有补丁么,下那么大的文件啊 太棒了,謝謝分享,趕快來試試 咱的系统玩不了这个游戏。又不想装WIN7。 顶楼主一个~~我在另一个帖子里下了 希望楼主可以把链接整合过去
终于掉松香了 aiboluo13 发表于 2013-2-25 10:27 static/image/common/back.gif
XP玩的很流畅的路过 yyc8082 发表于 2013-2-25 11:52 static/image/common/back.gif
配置貌似要求很高 直接PASS了...:'(
这个专门坑我。。。。我前几天才下了0.50,又要下0.51了,作者不发布补丁的么 谁传个百度啊。。。BT真心下载几KB 老是出现这个问题,求解 估计 配置 压力山大
还是等正式版吧 坐等汉化················· 太棒了,謝謝分享,趕快來試試 太多bug了,等完整版吧 说缺opencl平台。。。搜了下都没人遇到过这种问题的。。。 imbeking 发表于 2013-2-27 11:41 static/image/common/back.gif
花有这游戏有盟友NPC自己的怪的那种吗 已经0.52了 哇塞。。。貌似很厉害的样子~请问,破解了麽? 看起来相当不错啊,有中文的么? 最好是独显 这是独立游戏? 下载要密码!!!!密码是多少啊????请问 为什么我开始游戏的时候,没有地面人物悬空,不可以走路啊??