鬼泣5 PC版血宫20日同步更新!
鬼泣5 PC版血宫20日同步更新!::UPDATE 2:: The PC version of Bloody Palace is also confirmed for release on 2/20!
::UPDATE 2:: The PC version of Bloody Palace is also confirmed for release on 2/20!
::UPDATE:: Just got word that the rumble issue in the PC version will also be getting a fix tomorrow.
DmC fans, I'm very excited to announce two pieces of DmC news today.
First, we have a release date for the long-awaited Bloody Palace Mode! This highly-anticipated mode will go live via a free update next week by the following time table:
North America - PS3: Tuesday, 2/19 | Xbox 360: Wednesday, 2/20
Europe - PS3: Wednesday, 2/20 | Xbox 360: Wednesday, 2/20
Second, the free update next week for Bloody Palace will be accompanied by a patch that addresses a few major pieces of fan feedback we've received since the launch of the DmC demo. The most notable ones are given below.
-Poison AI issue addressed (she no longer enters non-interactive state)
-Lessened damage and style boost from Demon Evade
-Arbiter "Drop" now causes damage and style gain even if jump-canceled
-Non-damaging moves no longer provide style points
-Damage done by weakest enemies increased
-Damage done by all enemies increased on Nephilim and Son of Sparda modes
-Adjusted attack (parry) windows for Rage spin move.
-SS and SSS will now decay back down to S if you stop gaining style
-No more eternal angel glide (where Dante flies around)
So yay! Look forward to all that next week.
原帖地址:http://www.capcom-unity.com/greg ... eek-via-free-update
此时此刻泪流满面,终于听到好消息了 真的?尼玛吓到我了,3DM发布的血宫新闻只有主机的。同楼上的此刻泪流满面。
我通关迟迟不删是在等待是正确的娃哈哈。 恐怕得下载升级挡...................... 正版党表示泪牛满面 是个好消息~ PC版不知可用嗎 顶顶不错不错 可等来了 听见同步我就想哭! 鸡肠,看不懂。 我不要血宫 要v哥dlc 笑的泪流满面 感谢分享http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079930&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079929&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079928&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079927&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079926&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true http://share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=52079925&xuid=8ff0baf2594f4deo&autoplay=true 现在都喜欢出个阉割版,然后慢慢补。 尼玛别来个几GB的升级档。伤不起。 别担心,绝对来个几G的升级档 不要几个鸡的大补! 无所谓啊....主要是维吉尔的DLC啊~ 感谢楼主分享 最大的好消息 今天怎么还没出呃! 851267013 发表于 2013-2-20 12:25 static/image/common/back.gif
DDDDDDDDDDDD 20号了,此刻PC的仍然无 bigboy 发表于 2013-2-20 15:59 static/image/common/back.gif