本帖最后由 p.c 于 2013-2-10 21:48 编辑解压缩之後放入游戏目录
1. 记得先备份原始档,避免死机
2. 适用1.02版本
Tommy Gun (Thompson M1921)
Better Tommy Gun (Thompson M1928)
Exceptional Tommy Gun (Thompson M1A1)
The Chopper - The Persuader (Prototype Thompson M1921)
The Chicago Piano Tommy Gun - The Annihilator (Prototype Thompson M1921)
Pistol - Luger P08
Better Pistol - Smith & Wesson 1913
Exceptional Pistol - Colt M1911
Sir Jury - "Artillery" Model (Luger P08)
Shotgun - Winchester M97
Better Shotgun - Winchester M12
Exceptional Shotgun - Browning Auto-5
Sweet Lullaby - Trench Shotgun (Winchester M97)
Louisiana Justice - Riot Shotgun (Winchester M97)
Bat - Wooden Bat
Better Bat - Metal Bat
Exceptional Bat - Barbwire Bat
The Rajah - The Home Runner(wooden Bat)
Sultan of Swat - Sultan of Swat
Unarmed - Knuckles
Better Unarmed - Brass Knuckles
Exceptional Unarmed - Spiked Knuckles
Rifle - Gewehr 98 Rifle
Better Rifle - M1903 Springfield Rifle
Exceptional Rifle - M1917 Enfield Rifle
The Sharpshooter - The Sharpshooter (scoped Gewehr 98)
支持!!!给力! 過年收到好東西~感謝分享啊~ 是只改了名字还是啥? 好人一生平安 这个好。。。 呵呵···是不是新年福利啊?? 应该只是修改了名字和图标……意义不大 好东西,谢谢分享