度娘机翻。。 please writemy phone number on the package so the postman can find me
机翻 俄版游戏助你做高富帅{:3_94:}http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.4-4958636253.6.k70fAE&id=22423316881 liuyonglzq 发表于 2013-1-25 21:23 static/image/common/back.gif
Please take my phone number on the package is convenient to find me a postman
度娘机翻。。 ...
我英语 one two 后面我就写不出了。。。
额,那我也来翻一翻吧: TO write my number on the package for the postman is convinient to delivery to me . Please write my phone number on the package
这么写就行了 fuck !!!!!!!!! please write my phone number on the package so that postman can call me and we can hang out together,and I m dying want to hang out with him.LOVE LOVE~~~ 额 你到底选了哪个版本啊,,,
我实在不放心。 我也不知道我哪有没有问题。 I have to ask you to write my phone number on the package becausein Chinawe always do this and only in this way the express company can surely find me without making mistake,I hope you can understand this and here I present my appreciation for you . quancong14174 发表于 2013-1-25 21:39 static/image/common/back.gif
please write my phone number on the package so that postman can call me and we can hang out together ...
无语了。。。:funk: 腹黑货 能不能取消订单?