Hi everybody, Today I’d like tell you about the long-awaited FIFA MANAGER 13 update. It is currently in the final testing phase, but no fixed release date yet has been announced as of yet.
The biggest improvement of the update is the inclusion of football shirts for the Regionalliga, as well as a number of new licensed badges for teams such as Napoli and various Brazilian teams.
There are over 100 improvements to be implemented in total—in particular, the Windows 8 problem has been fixed (the game will now work with the last Windows 8 update) and the crash that would occur when a user launched the game via the Origin pop-up. Here are some of the further fixes:
- The buyback option is now correctly updated
- Text mode bug is now fixed: players with red cards are now really out of the game
- The crash in text mode when holding a player is fixed
- Watching other games now works again
- Mutually exclusive personal goals have been eliminated
- Endless tables from the 3. Liga are now displayed correctly on the Club Details screen
- Live season:
o all players already in the league can be further nominated;
o statistics have been corrected when a player has played in two leagues;
o errors affecting increases and decreases, tickets and sponsorship money have been corrected;
o the database start date issue has been resolved.
- Online features are also now accessible in Live Season mode
- Employee pictures can now incorporated as in the workshop description
- Massage now work in the 3D game
- The Origin manual now works
- Unreasonably high dividends for clubs at the end of the season or when given by a sponsor have been cancelled.
- Transfer errors by the end of the week have been corrected, as well as the July 2020 bug, via a substantial increase in overall stability
- The issue of a 1-day recovery after a bad injury has been resolved
- Junior team player preferences are now carried over wherever possible when a player has been moved to the first team
- The correct numbers of goals in a competition are now displayed in the 3D game
- Tactical settings are no longer lost after use of a lineup assistant
- Tactical setting notices for passing now function correctly
- Junior team players are now easier to sign (default setting improved)
- Pictures of cities are now shown in the editor
- Evaluation of the previous season now correct (stars)
- Your own contract negotiations can now be broken off
Until recently, the readability of the small fonts with the new higher resolution modes has remained a major issue, especially on laptops. Unfortunately, we could not do anything about the size of the font, because the whole game is designed to function at this new resolution. However we have optimized font rendering, which will give tangibly better results.
Additionally the update contains extensive database revisions:
408 player level increases
273 player level decreases
74 talent increases
41 talent decreases
In total, over 1000 changes have been made to the database.
Just 408 players across the world received a level increase in comparison to their level in update 1.
Internationally, there are two strikers who have been playing great in their respective leagues that have been distinguished above all others.
One the one hand, we have Stephan El Shaarawy, the young Italian who has scored 12 goals in 15 appearances for AC Milan and has made his debut for the Italian national team. His level has increased by two points to 76; if his performance remains just as strong, a further increase looks likely.
Striker number two has delighted almost the entire world with his spectacular overhead kick. We are obviously referring to Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who has proven his extraordinary talent once again this season. In just 12 games he has scored 13 goals in the French Ligue 1. His level has increased by one point, reaching the level of 86.
As for the Bundesliga, there are two players from Dortmund worth noting, who both played a large part in the BVB qualifying undefeated from their immensely difficult Champions League group. Mario Götze has received one level point, reaching the level of 80, and his friend and teammate Marco Reus has also received an increase and reached the level of 79.
Dante of Bayern Munich has earned a point and reached the level of 77. The reinvigorated Diego has also won a point for Wolfsburg, and now has level 77 points altogether. I believe this to be insufficient, but I’ll have to negotiate this with the database department again later. The Mainz striker Adam Szalai has also increased his level 73.
The number of decreases in level was less at 273, but the players that received these are thus all the more conspicuous.
For example, John Terry has lost 3 points and now has the level of 81. It hasn’t gone much better for fellow center back Lucio. The Brazilian, who now plays for Juventus, has lost 2 points, reaching the level of 78.
In the Bundesliga, Arjen Robben has suffered a loss of one point because of his numerous injuries; his level is now 84. Renato Augusto and Ivan Persic have also lost a point each, and now both have the level of 75. Even Szabolcs Huszti could not maintain his excellent performance that marked the beginning of the season and, as a result, has suffered a loss of a point, leaving him at 74. Rhere is currently one big loser in Bremen. The team is performing well, but Ekici has hardly played at all (a mere 28 minutes in the first game of the season), so he has lost a point and gone to 71.
There were also changes for the talent values with a total of 74 players receiving an increase in talent.
The German gem in the Arsenal ranks, Serge Gnabry, has earned a jump from 7 to 8 talent stars, which makes him one of the hottest transfer tips in FM13. Lukas Piszczek from German champions Borussia Dortmund has also made his way to 8 stars. There has been a lot of demand for this increase in the forums. Finally, to round off the talent increases, we have a hot tip for you from France: Lucas Digne, the 19-year-old left-back who plays for Lille, has also made the jump to 8 stars. The biggest clubs in Europe are lining up to get him, but maybe you can snatch up this bargain in FIFA Manager.
Finally, we come to the total of 41 talent changes that are losses. The most famous victims are Karim Benzema and Edin Dzeko, who have each lost a point and now only have 8 stars each. In Germany, Marcus Berg had to give up one of his 7 stars, and now only has 6.
While the update contains 973 family tie entries, internally we have already passed the magic threshold of 1000. Bothers Manuel and Frank Stark from Pfullendorf ensured that we crossed that milestone.
That is it for today. Now all we ask for is a little more patience—and we wish you all lots of fun with the new version!
Best wishes,
本帖最后由 zz1988712 于 2013-1-22 22:08 编辑
嗯 觉得有几点对我的档挺有用的
第一是 红牌球员确实下场了,不像以前仍在场上位置叠加。这个问题以前很经常导致游戏跳出,不错不错。
第二是 一些很不合理的赞助费用修正。我可不可以理解为赞助商脑残的1.2B比赛奖金问题,我低级联赛俱乐部只要资金是负的,赞助商就爱开1.2B的胜利奖金,但愿是修复这个。
第三是 2020年7月的BUG,我不明白这个BUG是什么,但是怀疑是不是赛季初那一大堆页面导致占用大量内存 从而使游戏跳出, 这个问题。因为玩到现在每年6月30之后一堆数据都要跳出一次,再读档才能进行下去。但愿是优化这个的吧。
第四是比较赞的,3D下的按摩起作用了,恩恩 不错,反正现在中场我都不按摩,不起作用嘛,修复了好。
第八,字体太小的问题,尤其是在笔记本上(我悲剧的笔记本啊),但是考虑到整体的设计 不能对其调整。 嗯 管他呢,我用论坛的文件换名大发,字体顺眼一些了。
大概这些点对我的档影响大点,其他倒一般。。。。。啊啊啊这一周玩孤岛惊魂,都没进游戏去看过了 大家好,今天我想告诉大家的期待已久的FIFA足球经理13更新。这是目前正处于最后的测试阶段,但还没有固定的发布日期尚未被公布为。
有超过100个改进的地方实施总,特别是Windows 8的问题已得到修复(游戏将与最后一个Windows 8更新)和崩溃时可能会出现一个用户推出的游戏,通过弹出的起源行动。这里有一些进一步的修正:
- 回购选项现在可以正确地更新
- 现在是固定的文本模式的问题:张红牌的球员真的是现在出的游戏
- 固定崩溃时,在文本模式下的球员
- 观看其他游戏再次运行
- 互斥的个人目标已经被淘汰
- 无尽的表3。西甲现在的俱乐部详细信息“屏幕上正确显示
- 现场的季节:
- 在线的功能现在也可以在Live赛季模式
- 员工的照片现在可以注册成立为在车间描述
- 按摩工作在3D游戏
- 现在的起源手册
- 在本赛季结束后,或当俱乐部的赞助商所提供的不合理的高分红也被取消。
- 本周结束的传输错误已纠正,以及2020年7月的bug,通过大幅增加,整体稳定
- 1天受重伤后恢复的问题已经解决
- 青年队球员的喜好,现在已经进行过的地方可能已被移动,当一个球员到一线队
- 在一场比赛中的目标是正确的数字显示在3D游戏
- 战术设置,丢失后不再使用的阵容助理
现在可以正常运行 - 通过战术设置通知
- 青年队的球员们现在更容易签署(默认设置提高)
- 城市现在显示在图片编辑器
- 评价是上个赛季,现在是正确的(明星)
- 你自己的合同谈判现在可以被折断。
一一方面,我们有斯蒂芬El Shaarawy,的年轻的意大利人已经打进了12个进球,为AC米兰出场15,并取得了他的首演为意大利国家队。他的水平已经上升了两个点至76,如果他的表现仍然是同样强劲,似乎进一步增加。
至于德甲联赛中,有两名球员从多特蒙德值得一提的,既起到了很大一部分的的BVB资格不败非常困难的欧洲冠军联赛小组。 ,马里奥Götze已收到一个水平点,达到80,他的朋友和他的队友马可·雷乌斯也获得了增长,达到79的水平。
在德甲联赛中,罗本已经遭受了损失一点,因为他的伤病累累,现在他的水平是84。雷纳托·奥古斯托和伊万杏仁也失去了点,现在都有75水平。即使的索博尔奇Huszti可以保持他的出色表现,标志着本赛季初,由于遭受了损了点,让他在74。 Rhere是目前在不来梅的一个大输家。的团队表现良好,但,Ekici几乎没有发挥所有(本赛季的第一场比赛只有28分钟),所以他已经失去了一个点,去71。
最后,我们来总的41天赋的变化,是损失。最著名的受害者是本泽马和哲科,已失去了点,现在只有有8个星级。在德国,马库斯 - 伯格不得不放弃他的7星级,而现在只有6个。
杰拉尔德 好说啥吗!只有球员和天赋!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {:3_94:}费莱尼变牛了 这帖子有啥好发的
更新日期:Dec11 2012