找到份update补丁说明档 话说pc版现在的升级补丁是1.07了?
本帖最后由 kokooro 于 2013-1-16 20:48 编辑家用机版貌似是1.06才有的DLC
Version 1.07Release Date16th November 2012 (JP)
5th December 2012 (NA)
[*]Fixes the flickering and missing graphical effects that appeared shortly after the release of the DLC, which only occurred in the Additional Content areas
Version 1.06Release Date22nd October 2012 (NA)
24th October 2012 (EU)PVE Changes
[*]Increased enemy HP (more detail needed)
[*]New Crystal Golem In Dukes Archives Drops Only Blue Titanite Chunk
[*]Corpse located by well in Firelink Shrine now carries 3 Humanity
Specific Gear Changes
[*]Dark Wood Grain Ring effect fixed; now only activates at 25% equip load and below rather than 50%
[*]Hornet Ring critical increase reduced from 50% to 30%
[*]Mask of the Father effect reduced to 5%
[*]Mask of the Mother effect reduced to 10%
[*]Mask of the Child effect reduced to ~33.3%
[*]Rapier and Spear attacks while shielding takes more stamina
[*]Two-handed Greatsword R1 recovery between swings increased. The swings themselves are still the same speed. One-handed attacks are unchanged.
[*]Homing Crystal Soulmass and Homing Soulmass damage reduced (needs confirmation). The glitch is also fixed where if you were an invader it would target you sometimes instead of the host. causing the soulmass to become useless.
[*]Non-scaling upgrade paths Chaos, Lightning and Fire reduced by ~10%
[*]PC and Xbox can now port-forward to reduce online lag.
[*]Elite Knight set fixed; its poise is now 46 in the NA versions
[*]Eagle Shield physical damage reduction is now 95%
[*]All roll speeds (except for Ninja Flip) buffed. They are now faster and possibly have greater invulnerability frames (needs confirmation only medium roll is confirmed to be faster).
Other changes
[*]More Bonfire warp points - Undead Parish, Tomb of the Giants, Depths, The Duke's Archives, Painted World of Ariamis.
[*]Lava damage increased
[*]Oswald of Carim now carries Homeward Bones
[*]Orange Soapstone messages placed after patch show both positive and negative ratings (PS3)
[*]You can now parry while blocking
Glitches and fixes
[*]Bottomless Box glitch fixed
[*]Dragon Head Stone glitch fixed
[*]Spellswap glitch fixed.
[*]Pendant description fixed
[*]Incorrect miracle descriptions in splash screen fixed
Online Changes
[*]Miracle resonance signs temporarily fixed (PS3). However, it is currently broken again.
Misc Additions
[*]Artorias of the Abyss DLC is included in the patch. The product offered on the respective Xbox and PS3 Marketplaces is just a 100kb unlock key file.
Version 1.05Release Date11th November 2011 (Japan)
22th November 2011 (NA-EU) (1.04 cumulative)
24th November 2011 - AU
[*]fixed online summoning issues introduced by 1.04.
[*]relaxed the conditions towards invading other players.
[*]readjusted the parameters of the Elite Knight Armor set.
[*]enemy placement adjusted
[*]the two soldiers guarding the tower overlooking the Taurus Demon fight are both situated to the right of the ladder
[*]the initial location of Shiva of the Easts Bodyguard is inland from his previous cliff edge start point in the Darkroot Garden
[*]a Minor Capra Demon is moved from the area of the second bonfire in Demon ruins, to a corpse drop before Demon firesage (he is visible from the bonfire)
Magic Changes
[*]Pyro Glove nerfed from 270 to 230
[*]You can see resonance signs now
[*]Vow of Silence range increased
[*]Sorcery spell damage as a whole was slightly buffed, but Homing Soul Mass and other pursuit style spells were nerfed
[*]Magic Shield duration lowered to ~11 seconds
[*]Strong Magic Shield duration lowered to ~11 seconds. Invincibility removed. Effect on Stamina drastically reduced
[*]Tranquil Walk of Peace and other Slow duration reduced to ~10 secs. Effect supposedly changed from 100% encumberance to 50%. Rolling possible if your equip burden is lowered. Slowness is similar to swamp effect
[*]Iron Flesh effectiveness nerfed
[*]Invisible Body duration remains unchanged
Status Changes
[*]Base Equipment Burden increased (~6-10 points)
[*]Humanity Item drop rate increased from 10 to 210
[*]Medium roll recovery faster? (unclear and unconfirmed)
[*]Defensive bonuses gained via Humanity reduced. Other defensive bonuses remain unchanged
[*]Item discovery gained via Humanity improved. Capped at 20
Equipment General Changes
[*]Reported some weapon scaling gets improved at higher normal upgrades (+15 uchi dex scaling goes to A; same goes for scimitar)
[*]Some scaling reported as changing from A to S with higher upgrades
Upgrade Changes
[*]Normal scaling buffed by 5-20% (20% at +14).
[*]Crystal scaling buffed by 5-20% (20% at +4).
[*]Lightning +4 nerfed by 2% (+5 remains unchanged)
[*]Raw scaling buffed by 10% (all levels)
[*]Magic stat scaling buffed by 10-20% (20% at +9)
[*]Enchanted stat scaling buffed by 15-20% (20% at +4)
[*]Divine stat scaling buffed by 10-20% (20% at +9)
[*]Occult stat scaling buffed by 15-20% (20% at +4)
[*]Fire +9 nerfed by 2%. (+10 remains unchanged)
[*]Dragon stat scaling buffed by 5-20% (20% at +5)
Specific Gear Changes
[*]Grant scaling changed to Strength:B and Faith:A
[*]Gold-hemmed nerfed, still can't be upgraded
[*]Dusk skirt nerfed hard (streamlined to match the other pieces)
[*]Silver Knights, Sun, Hollow Soldier's Shield and other medium shield stability nerfed to ~70 at max upgrades to improve Great Shield viability
[*]Crystal Ring Shield scaling drastically nerfed. Does around ~200 +-50
[*]Dragon Greatsword buffed from 360 to 390
[*]Silver Knight's Sword lightning effect removed. Now enchantable
[*]Elite Knight gear nerfed, then buffed slightly in 1.05
[*]Hunter's starting armor nerfed
Combat Changes
[*]Lock-on acquisition range increased
[*]Lock-on changing/switching got easier (more responsive).
[*]Ring of Fog users can now be locked on.
PvE Changes
[*]Overall increase in souls gained (~2-2.5 times more)
[*]Damage reduced on some mobs?
[*]HP lowered on some mobs?
[*]Reduced acquisition range on normal enemies.
[*]Reduced poise on some enemies.
[*]Distance at which enemies are aggro has been reduced
[*]Bosses drop Humanity and Homeward Bones
[*]Ghosts, Skeletons, Mosquitos, and Slimes give souls now
[*]Twinkling Titanite drop rate improved
[*]Pyromancers in Catacombs drop Skull Lanterns
[*]Darkwraiths in New Londo drop Dark Hand
Online Changes
[*]You can see resonance signs (unsuccessful on PS3)
[*]Some invasion restrictions possibly changed? Darkwraith upperlimit confirmed as unchanged
[*]1.05: Summon restrictions improved slightly again
[*]Amount of souls the Master of the game gains changed
[*]Cracked Eye Orbs no longer get consumed on failure. Confirmed
[*]You can hit Select to rate messages.
[*]1.05: Fixed 1.04 bug where summon signs were invisible.
Covenant Changes
[*]Covenant Material drop rate improved (including dragon scale).
[*]Lowered requirements for Sunbro covenenant (requirements moved from 50 to 25. 3/4 assists should do the trick)
Merchant stock updates
[*]Male Undead Merchant: Also sells bottomless box
[*]Female Undead Merchant: Sells Arrows / bolts
[*]Andrei: Sells Arrows / bolts
[*]Domnhall of Xena: Sells Arrows / bolts, Master Key (5000)
[*]Giant Blacksmith: Sells Arrows / Crossbolts, Small Titanite Shards, Large Titanite Shards, Twinkling Titanite (8000 per, inf amount), Green Shards, Repair box, weapon smithbox
[*]Vamos: Arrows / bolts, Titanite Shards, Large Titanite Shards, repair box / weapon smithbox
[*]Ingward: Sells Transient Curses
[*]Fixed some freeze issues
[*]Lvl up screen displays souls needed properly now
[*]Dragon-head glitch, snuggly, and magic shield glitches fixed
[*]Fixed a bug where your inputs come out 1 second later
[*]Fixed a bug where the second solaire event wont progress
[*]Fixed a bug where feeding frampt a titanite stone then going over 99 resulted in having zero
[*]Fixed some specific map areas where you'd get stuck or be unable to progress
[*]Changed some english subtitles on the overseas port
Version 1.04Release Date2nd November 2011 (Japan only) PC 版的是1.0.1.0
想下載的話到我的帖子那裡下載 是PC版用的?