Borderlands 2 Update ReleasedProduct Update- Valve 02:01
PC 1.3.0
- Fixed the "use" description text on the HUD getting cut off prematurely when binding "use" to certain keys.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the critical hit bonus to inconsistently be included on the item card of weapons that
modify this stat like Miss Moxxi's Bad Touch.
- Fixed a bug causing decals to not be displayed when the framerate was set to 30FPS Capped.
- Fixed a bug causing head customizations from the Mr. Torgue DLC to not unlock properly for Sirens and
- Fixed a bug where profiles would refuse to save when they were already corrupted on startup.
- Fixed a bug where profile restoration code would sometimes trigger inappropriately.
{:3_160:}等S组破解 更新了什么? 貌似沒有啥實質性的東西,不升也罷