【全国首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《实况足球2013(PES 2013)》v1.02升级档+破解补丁[RELOADED]
The new patch will be out on 29/11/2012!!
<Details of patch 1.02>
Fixes to the below issues. We would like to apologise for all inconveniences caused.
Master League Online
The transfer fee and contract fee shown when signing a player is different to the one shown in the breakdown of such costs.
Changes to the squad and the team funds were not reflect immediately when signing/releasing players or receiving gate receipts from matches played.
Master League
Sometimes the game would freeze when items obtained in Master League Online were used.
Performance Training
It was impossible to complete the "Long-pass" training when Pass Assistance level was set to either or .
It was impossible to complete the "Manual-pass" training when the cursor was set to "fixed" when using Personal Data other than "no.1".
Sometimes the game would freeze when importing PES 2012 data. This applies to cases where implementing the data would result in players switching to wearing boots which were issued in PES 2012 Data Pack 3.
When a new Data Pack was implemented, users were forced to restart their hardware as a message informing them of non-matching Data Pack versions would be displayed rendering some game features such as Master League Online, Competition and the Widget inaccessible.
The below additions due to customer requests:
Users can now choose to enable or disable the Auto Save feature in game modes including Master League and Become a Legend by selecting then in order.
Football Life
Players will wear boots which are unique to them in both Master League and Become a Legend. Any editing done to player's boot settings will also be reflected. However, please note that this only applies to save data created after the implementation of this patch file.
Changes have been made to how teamwork levels between players increase.
General improvements to other modes to improve overall gaming experience.
<Details of patch 1.01>
Online Community mode added to implement the following features:
Widget enables users to play other modes while waiting for opponents.
Max 8 community members can join a match online.
Max 4 community members can form a team to play against other community team.
Facebook application "myPES2013" is availabe once setup properly.
"Special Match" to earn bonus points on your win in the Master League Online is available.
Users are now able to choose "give up" at the half time in the Quick Match.
Tweaks made in various modes for better gaming experience.
English US
The latest patch was released on 11/29/2012!!
<Details of patch 1.02>
Fixes to the below issues. We would like to apologise for all inconveniences caused.
Master League Online
The transfer fee and contract fee shown when signing a player is different to the one shown in the breakdown of such costs.
Changes to the squad and the team funds were not reflect immediately when signing/releasing players or receiving gate receipts from matches played.
Master League
Sometimes the game would freeze when items obtained in Master League Online were used.
Performance Training
It was impossible to complete the "Long-pass" training when Pass Assistance level was set to either or .
It was impossible to complete the "Manual-pass" training when the cursor was set to "fixed" when using Personal Data other than "no.1".
Sometimes the game would freeze when importing PES 2012 data. This applies to cases where implementing the data would result in players switching to wearing boots which were issued in PES 2012 Data Pack 3.
When a new Data Pack was implemented, users were forced to restart their hardware as a message informing them of non-matching Data Pack versions would be displayed rendering some game features such as Master League Online, Competition and the Widget inaccessible.
The below additions due to customer requests:
Users can now choose to enable or disable the Auto Save feature in game modes including Master League and Become a Legend by selecting then in order.
Football Life
Players will wear boots which are unique to them in both Master League and Become a Legend. Any editing done to player's boot settings will also be reflected. However, please note that this only applies to save data created after the implementation of this patch file.
Changes have been made to how teamwork levels between players increase.
General improvements to other modes to improve overall gaming experience.
<Details of patch 1.01>
Online Community mode added to implement the following features:
Widget enables users to play other modes while waiting for opponents.
Max 8 community members can join a match online.
Max 4 community members can form a team to play against other community team.
Facebook application "myPES2013" is availabe once setup properly.
"Special Match" to earn bonus points on your win in the Master League Online is available.
Users are now able to choose "give up" at the half time in the Quick Match.
Tweaks made in various modes for better gaming experience.
**** Hidden Message *****
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz 速度好快啊 厉害!!! 终于升级了。。。。。。 好快的速度 thx for sharing 安装了不能玩,不知道这个补丁有没效果。
回复一个看看 出破解了,好快 有什么改动啊 谢谢发布 真的是破解么,等了2天了。 速度好快啊 厉害!! 前排留名............ 111111111111 支持支持支持
感谢大大分享 顶啊:):):):):):):):):) hao haoa haoh aohao haoh ao
伸手党来了。 终于出啦 回复得破解~~~ DDDDDDDDDDDDDD 来啦!!! 不错 怒更新 thx for sharing 看看…… 谢谢分享!!!!!!1 thx 4 sharing~~ {:3_94:}{:3_94:}{:3_94:}