每天逛论坛,每天傻等着,不出我就不下载都在哭等呢!! 这个真早不了 听说12月1号出完美破解 208正版的~又不是很贵 据说是12月1日有新的完美破解,但是听说正式版也要升级了。 等4补丁吧. 冬歇期.... 那时候完美汉化破解.还有国人核武基本都差不多了 等,等等等等 继续等着,如果到放寒假了还没有,那我就入正,反正正版这段时间是买不起,而且正式版汉化也没出,虽然心里痒痒的,但还是得忍着 Update 5 (20/11/2012 Final for now): No ETA, SkidrowTeam have put this project a side for now, they will get back to it at a sooner date but for now its the same problem which we are experiencing as last year. The developers of the game SI have 【屏蔽词语】ed up their own game and even original users are still experiencing problems with their game. They only worked on the encryption mostly for this years edition of Football Manager and to be honest, I have a retail copy and I don't touch it due to it be so badly programmed and rushed out without the fixes. Sorry for this late update but please understand SkidrowTeam are busy with other projects as well. I will update this thread again in the future if I have a crack release or any kind of related fix. Thanks for your patience and once again I apologise for the late update.
洗洗睡吧 坐等 基本都是过玩年~~~~~~ 一个月还没到呢,别急再等等 今天又来逛了,再次顶起 大家都是这么等着呢,焦急啊