i got some questions
it`s about the quest" invation of fastland" it said i had to search the island for some survivorsbut i search fastland everywhere without finding any sign of sourvivors
and how many masks all together? so far i get four masksthree from nearomancers and one i don`t recall where i got that
so what to do next? stay hungry,stay foolish 本帖最后由 saminsam 于 2012-10-31 21:16 编辑
4 marks,all of them in the same island,you should kill four boss to get it. After you find all masks,you should go to the secend island to find the prophet ;you have no need to find survivors in the first four island,at least ,I have found none{:3_92:}
OMG,maybe i made a mistake,i cant remeber where i found four mask clearly....so,if i am wrong,dont push me ><
尼玛 bug了 2岛那货不理我 我去他那招了好几次兵了 有的破嘛。。。。 g545085018 发表于 2012-10-31 21:16 static/image/common/back.gif
尼玛 bug了 2岛那货不理我 我去他那招了好几次兵了 有的破嘛。。。。
......尼妹,你用英文打,搞得我也用英文回,扯淡{:3_96:} {:3_95:}
但是我打不过大蜘蛛了。。。。 四个定居点都跑一遍,把需要灭掉的boss全灭掉。然后去第二个岛找被石头封路的老头子聊天,回来再找一个定居点灯塔里的老头子,他让你去查看另一个定居点的地下室,去了发现一个女僵尸。完成任务后再去找项链帮助女僵尸复活,然后女僵尸丢了项链还得再去帮她找项链,全部搞定后再回去见灯塔老头。最后就能回城堡汇报工作了。北方勇士的quest真心烦人。 不能自动寻路好蛋疼。
我已被无脑网游毒害至深。 有面具碎片的时候先找先知,他看过了之后才可以触发后续。