这枪红字什么意思啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!不知道,但是我也有也个,发射的火箭像弹珠一样,打到人才爆炸,打不到会弹跳, 12 Pounder: Has extremely high damage and high accuracy. Fires an arcing cannonball that bounces once if it hits a surface. Also reloads incredibly fast. (Drops from The Big Sleep)
拥有超高伤害和较高的精准。 开火时发射一颗着地后跳起的炮弹。 同时也有极快的装填速度。
子弹速度到时挺快,精准就不知道了,我拿着这火箭筒近距离打怪都是打不中的{:3_146:} 其实这火箭筒远距离打更打不中,而且爆炸范围特别小 Nec Pluribus Impar, Bitches.– 12 Pounder: Has extremely high damage and high accuracy. Fires an arcing cannonball that bounces once if it hits a surface. Also reloads incredibly fast. (Drops from The Big Sleep)
高伤害 高精准 发出的子弹可以弹射一次 超快的换子弹 我觉得这红字内容 太nb了!!! 我无语了都什么啊