找到开启方法了,是shift和鼠标右键同时按,这个到底怎么关掉啊 没看懂
【退出】 莫非是叫声出问题了 哦,知道是怎么回事了……我以为你没看到右下角的退出
是FormID Finder这个插件惹的祸,我一般都是修改快捷键的,不然玩的时候很容易弹出这个东西
你可以在FormID Finder.ini修改快捷键
(Alt+右键会跳出窗口,Shift右键也会跳出窗口,我是把右键换成Ctrl的,你自己试试) 找到了
; **** ASESINO's FormID Finder*****
; If you choose to modify these settings, you can use http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsKeyPressed3 as a reference
; Set the FormID Finder focus key- this is the key you will use to select objects to run FormID Finder on.
set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyPressed1 to 56; Default to Alt
set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyModifier1 to 257 ; Default to right click, set to 0 for no modifier.
; Set the FormID Finder Secondary key - in the game world this brings up a report on your character.In Barter menu or container menu, this lets you read the book without picking it up.
set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyPressed2 to 42; Default to Shift
set FormIDFinderQuest.KeyModifier2 to 257 ; Default to right click, set to 0 for no modifier.
; NOTE: the processing will not begin until you release the keypressed key!!!
是这货,能麻烦大大们帮忙看看怎么关掉或者从新设置一下,不让他在战斗的时候弹出来 bluesky404 发表于 2012-10-11 14:23 static/image/common/back.gif
是FormID Finder这个插件惹的祸,我一般都是修改快 ...
谢谢版主大大 我是把257(鼠标右键)改为29(左Ctrl) 完全不懂的路过!:lol HexDecButton
0x01 1Escape
0x02 21
0x03 32
0x04 43
0x05 54
0x06 65
0x07 76
0x08 87
0x09 98
0x0A 109
0x0B 110
0x0C 12Minus
0x0D 13Equals
0x0E 14Backspace
0x0F 15Tab
0x10 16Q
0x11 17W
0x12 18E
0x13 19R
0x14 20T
0x15 21Y
0x16 22U
0x17 23I
0x18 24O
0x19 25P
0x1A 26Left Bracket
0x1B 27Right Bracket
0x1C 28Enter
0x1D 29Left Control
0x1E 30A
0x1F 31S
0x20 32D
0x21 33F
0x22 34G
0x23 35H
0x24 36J
0x25 37K
0x26 38L
0x27 39Semicolon
0x28 40Apostrophe
0x29 41~ (Console)
0x2A 42Left Shift
0x2B 43Back Slash
0x2C 44Z
0x2D 45X
0x2E 46C
0x2F 47V
0x30 48B
0x31 49N
0x32 50M
0x33 51Comma
0x34 52Period
0x35 53Forward Slash
0x36 54Right Shift
0x37 55NUM*
0x38 56Left Alt
0x39 57Spacebar
0x3A 58Caps Lock
0x3B 59F1
0x3C 60F2
0x3D 61F3
0x3E 62F4
0x3F 63F5
0x40 64F6
0x41 65F7
0x42 66F8
0x43 67F9
0x44 68F10
0x45 69Num Lock
0x46 70Scroll Lock
0x47 71NUM7
0x48 72NUM8
0x49 73NUM9
0x4A 74NUM-
0x4B 75NUM4
0x4C 76NUM5
0x4D 77NUM6
0x4E 78NUM+
0x4F 79NUM1
0x50 80NUM2
0x51 81NUM3
0x52 82NUM0
0x53 83NUM.
0x57 87F11
0x58 88F12
0x9C 156NUM Enter
0x9D 157Right Control
0xB5 181NUM/
0xB8 184Right Alt
0xC7 199Home
0xC8 200Up Arrow
0xC9 201PgUp
0xCB 203Left Arrow
0xCD 205Right Arrow
0xCF 207End
0xD0 208Down Arrow
0xD1 209PgDown
0xD2 210Insert
0xD3 211Delete
0x100256Left Mouse Button
0x101257Right Mouse Button
0x102258Middle/Wheel Mouse Button
0x103259Mouse Button 3
0x104260Mouse Button 4
0x105261Mouse Button 5
0x106262Mouse Button 6
0x107263Mouse Button 7
0x108264Mouse Wheel Up
0x109265Mouse Wheel Down
那个网站上有键位 谢谢各位了,这家伙把我整了一个晚上,可恶啊