本帖最后由 老放 于 2012-10-6 11:41 编辑制作这个补丁的玩友非常有名,他是大名鼎鼎的 NVEC - New Vegas Enhanced Content的作者。我以后会分流这个著名的巨型优化增强MOD。
New Vegas Bounties II Fixes
[*]Fixed all placed items/objects/creatures/npcs missing Quest item / Persistent reference flags (This fix was mainly for an esm file or an esp having the esm flag on. Those flags should be on no matter the case keeping the quest items in memory being enabled, disabled, etc, and should be required for when used by scripting)
[*]Many fixes to weapons including sounds, impact dataset, missing on death flags, etc
[*]Fixed 10 faction reaction errors reported by the Geck Powerup involving Jacob Powers' Faction, Marlo Barksdale's Faction, Jacob Power's Captives, Rzeznik's Faction, Sergio's Raiders, Sergio's Slaves' Faction, Generic Valle de Hierro Friend Faction, Fiends Faction, Raiders, and Vipers Faction.
[*]Fixed 3 packages having invalid flags reported by the Geck Powerup involving aaAlvordGang2GuardPackage, aaDocFridayWaitPackage, and aaEthanSuicidePackage.
[*]Fixed 10 dialogue texts (see screenshots for details)
[*]Repositioned a note on a teddy bear
[*]Fixed the "Deal with Red Kelly." objective not displaying and was missing its quest marker target in the "A Man Who Says No" Quest
[*]Fixed 3 holodisk tapes missing icons
[*]Fixed all those blinking textures on those notes in the Short Stick Saloon
[*]Fixed Kikuchi's barter inventory from having nothing (The way AI data works, this fix will only work on a new save. Or at least this occurred for me)
[*]Playable weapons added to proper FormID lists through scripting which are the following:
[*]The Penetrator added to WeaponListRangedALL, PerkPyromaniacWeaponsUsingAmmo, NVAllWeapons, WeaponRiflesLIST, Everything, RepairNVAntiMaterielRifle, and NVDLC05ChallengeMasterOfTheArsenalWeaponsList.
[*]Deliverance added to WeaponListMeleeALL, NVAllWeapons, Everything, and RepairRollingPin.
[*]Ambition added to WeaponListRangedALL, TheProfessionalWeaponsList, NVAllWeapons, OldVaqueroWeapons, Everything, PerkCowboyWeapons, NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons, RepairNV357Revolver, and NVDLC01RepairPolicePistol.
[*]The Comanchero added to WeaponListMeleeALL, NVAllWeapons, Everything, PerkCowboyWeapons, NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons, RepairKnifeCombat, NVDLC02PerkGruntWeapons, and NVDLC05ChallengeHistoricalProprietyList.
[*]Lohikäärme added to WeaponListRangedALL, NVAllWeapons, Everything, RepairIncinerator, ExplodesGasTrapsOnTouch, ExplodesGasTrapsOnHit, SupermutantWeapons, PerkPyromaniacWeapons, and NVDLC01ExplodesGasTrapsOnHit.
[*]Fear added to WeaponListRangedALL, NVAllWeapons, and WeaponMachinegunLIST.
沙发 支持LZ的分享
谢谢 有心了!谢谢!! 楼主蛋神器 是什么 呀 哪里有的下。。谢谢 275301470 发表于 2012-10-18 12:31 static/image/common/back.gif
楼主蛋神器 是什么 呀 哪里有的下。。谢谢
http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-1205028-1-1.html 老放 发表于 2012-10-18 12:57 static/image/common/back.gif