分辨率補丁 dsfix 1.4 出來了
本帖最后由 sky20501 于 2012-9-15 02:45 编辑DSfix 1.4
As I announced previously, I’m now focusing purely on bug fixes until the source code release, which will probably coincide with 1.5.
[*]Textures with a hash code starting with 0 will now be correctly named when dumpedand loaded when overriden (with prefix 0s). Every hash is 8 charaters long.
[*]Fixed the cause of the latest fullscreen alt-tab crash (hopefully).
[*]Fixed modified HUD performance, particularly in conjunction with SMAA and VSSAO.
The performance impact should now be negligible.
[*]Fixed modified HUD not showing effects like poison or bleeding correctly.
Known issues with the modified HUD: boss health bars, subtitles, damage numbers and curses. Configure the HUD modification toggle key to turn it off if you get into a boss fight or another situation where it messes up.
As always, consider donating if you like the mod.
DSfix version 1.4 download
(alternative download)
Please please remember to read the README.txt!
没什么意思了,就等高材质包 其实我一直都在等这个补丁能够解锁帧数,不过的确看来是想太多了......... 作者更新好勤.
我昨天才換1.3, 玩不到2小時, 1.4又出了~
万恶的锁帧 不用之后卡顿好了很多 怎么觉得做补丁的人对画面很纠结.. 我一直用得0.8,,感觉固定30帧很流畅呀,完全没有卡顿或者别的问题 lldszx 发表于 2012-9-15 09:08 static/image/common/back.gif
1.3路过画面好了不止一点 FPS还是很稳定 0.9老是跳出,试试这个,谢谢楼主! 从0.1到1.4,从没遇见过卡顿,一直都是30帧。。。