确认新的PC版可以安装 但You will lose Achievements, Cloud Saves, and the Trainer after it is converted.
那个AC的MOD真心好啊! Final Fantasy VII is arguably the greatest game (if not RPG) in console gaming history. I was introduced to the game by an elementary school friend in the late ’90s and it opened my eyes to an entire genre. Still today, it’s hard to pull me or my nostalgic thoughts away from the game, and it’s one that I’ll likely never forget.Unfortunately, Square made it very clear recently that a FF7 remake is not a priority to them (after years of stringing it out and teasing us). All we’ve got to cling onto are breakoffs like Dirge of Cerberus, Ergheiz, and Advent Children. It’s not the same. I’m not even sure if a remake is the best idea. Why not just remake the game with improved visuals and an additional storyline, like has been done with FF6?
I’m going to consider every Sony E3 a fail until we hear of a FF7 remake. #SonyE3
— Craig (@c89) June 5, 2012
We don’t have to wait for Square to put FF7 back into the front of their minds, though. The modding and tweaking of PC games goes all the way back to the days of Doom. FF7 dates back to the late ’90s. Maybe you don’t have a perspective of how choppy and underwhelming FF7 looks in 2012.
Fans have put together mod packages like Final Fantasy VII Ultima Edition and Final Fantasy VII Remix, updating the world map, cutscenes, graphics, storyline, music, and more. It’s a hassle picking between which edition is the favorite. With Bootleg, it’s easier than ever.
Using Bootleg
[*]Before using Bootleg, you need a copy of Final Fantasy VII for PC installed under “Maximum” settings
[*]Download the FF7 1.02 Patch from the Soundfont page and extract it into the installation folder
[*]Download and extract Aali’s Custom Graphics Driver to the installation folder
[*]Run FF7Config.exe from the installation folder
[*]Go to the Graphics tab
[*]Under Renderer, select “Custom driver” (and a confirmation dialog should pop up)
[*]Exit FF7Config.exe
[*]Download Bootleg Configurator
[*]Run BFE.exe
At this point, you’re ready to start modding. You may be a little overwhelmed looking at everything that’s possible, and that’s fine. Look around. It’s important to make sure that the Installation tab is filled out accurately though:
Afterwards, let’s click Mod Listing on the right side of the screen. You should see similar to the following:
What you’re seeing here is a lot of every popular FF7 mod for the PC. There’s a lot of yellow there, because I haven’t configured Bootleg with many options. Yellow tables only mean that the particular mod in that row is not required to be installed with your current Bootleg settings. All red rows need to be installed for Bootleg to patch FF7 correctly. It’s more than 20 GB in size, but I’d recommend downloading everything you see on this page if at all possible. It makes the process a lot easier. Save these files to the Bootleg directory.
If any of the links are broken, check this forum thread for mirrors. If you find any instruction here giving you trouble, check out the official forum thread offering a tutorial on how to use Bootleg.
After you’ve got the configuration how you want it, go back to the main application screen and click Run Bootleg below Mod Listing. Bootleg will do the rest for you, and you’ve got a refreshed FF7!
I’ve been stunned at the amount of content within some of these mods. Visually, FF7 can look amazing using Bootleg. Here’s a comparison of PSX vs. PC modded with Bootleg:
If that’s not enough to get your juices flowing, YouTube user EQ2Alyza has a full FF7 Bootleg playthrough put together in a playlist! Here he is playing through one of the most memorable parts of the game, Wall Market. You should notice new music, graphics, and more.
If you have any questions or other feedback, just leave me a comment and we’ll talk FF7! I’m always interested in discussing one of the best games of all-time.
本帖最后由 kira2510 于 2012-9-1 20:43 编辑
又找到点东西,可惜英语不大好! 像上面那种对比才配得上重制这2个字嘛
英语帝快来啊! 貌似是对以前的PC版打的补丁!老外弄的MOD居然超过20G。。。。。。。。
谁能传个中文网盘 再来个详细教程啊 这个真是无敌了 本帖最后由 黄金DIY 于 2012-9-1 20:53 编辑
哗哗哗,HP达5位数!!!看来此事要急Call版主了,看似容量挻大的,就算是私人下载后也难以上传上来分享,快Call版主帮忙 我靠,左了,这要版主上传了,必火,哈哈 20G,的确很牛逼,看起来好像背景贴图都重搞过了 Oh,god.求普及 膜拜 啊~神啊快点来拯救我们把~ 求版主放出教学替换 :Q 好贴顶上去 每天来~看看~哈哈 这是以前版本的MOD吧 2012版本应该不能直接用的 需要调整很多吧 这个必须崇拜 版主出来回应一下啦,现在是最需要版主帮忙的时候了 kinki_king 发表于 2012-9-2 10:11 static/image/common/back.gif
这是以前版本的MOD吧 2012版本应该不能直接用的 需要调整很多吧
怕什么,旧PC版的光碟我还保留着呢。哪怕是千年古尸也得挖它出来,这画面超值了 这个真心无敌啊……求完整的傻瓜包 20G啊。。。吓尿了。
本帖最后由 黄金DIY 于 2012-9-2 16:23 编辑
速度好慢啊!!!! 支持回复下… 等最后的教程了 等待支持中~~ 太神..........................................了 我的天,20G,天际才多少?还是算了吧 没必要下这么大的包,一个AC版cloud其实才几兆,什么时候有空我来搞个教程,不难 傻瓜包、、、 11个小时下了40%,还有20个小时才下完,汗、⊙﹏⊙b汗 还有人再继续吗?