刚刚撸了一把真爽 请问你是怎么激活N组的账号的?他给我发的邮件里没激活地址啊~The following is an e-mail sent to you by an administrator of
"secretSchemes". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other
comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at
the following address:
Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers).
Message sent to you follows:
Hi all,
Incase you haven't already noticed we have just released our Black Ops
crack. It includes many new features and more to come in the future. Come
over to the forum and download it now and get playing!
Thanks, The Management 抱歉~我在我的邮箱的垃圾邮件拦截里找到了~谢谢· 链接服务器时会提示the file is different from the server,lz能把关联文件传给我吗?谢谢