jxg2210 发表于 2012-7-9 21:55

好吧,PC v1.3补丁跳票到7.12号了!(干你妹的育碧!)

The team is aware of your concerns / of the issues and reads every single comment posted in the threads in order to address reported issues as soon as possible.

As the next Title Update is almost here, I'd like to give you more details:

Title Update 1.3

[*]Input compatibility fix

[*]Mouse + WASD not working on some configurations;
[*]Mouse + Xbox 360 Controller (no need to unplug the pad, everything will work simultaneously): when you connect/disconnect pad on-the-fly the key icons will change during the next pop up// the game still will display pad icons if the pad is connected.
[*]The team made progress on the online stability but needs more time for testing - online fix will be in TU 1.4
[*]Release - TU 1.3 will be released on July 12th

What's next? Here is the current plan for Title Update 1.4. However please note that the content or the release date might change a bit - we'll keep you posted.

Title Update 1.4
[*]Content (TBD) :

[*]last console title update and cloud update
[*]addressing graphic, performance, stability, online and compatibility issues
[*]Release ETA - approximately one week after Title Update 1.3

宅男忧寒 发表于 2012-7-9 22:01


delmay 发表于 2012-7-9 22:06


晓の车 发表于 2012-7-9 22:28


叛逆先生 发表于 2012-7-9 22:51

1.4我看也这‘尿性’了 没准更久!{:3_44:}

sinsinsin 发表于 2012-7-10 10:22

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查看完整版本: 好吧,PC v1.3补丁跳票到7.12号了!(干你妹的育碧!)