本帖最后由 jxg2210 于 2012-7-7 22:12 编辑The team is also working hard on the PC version, and a specific title update for the PC will be released early next week to fix input compatibility issues.
Title Update 1.3 - Information
The team is aware of your concerns / of the issues and reads every single comment posted in the threads in order to address reported issues as soon as possible.
As the next Title Update is almost here, I'd like to give you more details:
Title Update 1.3
[*]Input compatibility fix
[*]Mouse + WASD not working on some configurations;
[*]Mouse + Xbox 360 Controller (no need to unplug the pad, everything will work simultaneously): when you connect/disconnect pad on-the-fly the key icons will change during the next pop up// the game still will display pad icons if the pad is connected.
[*]The team made progress on the online stability but needs more time for testing - online fix will be in TU 1.4
[*]Release - 09.07.2012 or 10.07.2012
What's next? Here is the current plan for Title Update 1.4. However please note that the content or the release date might change a bit - we'll keep you posted.
Title Update 1.4
[*]Content (TBD) :
[*]last console title update and cloud update
[*]addressing graphic, performance, stability, online and compatibility issues
[*]Release ETA - approximately one week after Title Update 1.3
the team is also workin hard on the pc version....BULL FREAKIN' HORSESHIT pc下周早些时候 妈的,没有实质性的修复啊!!!!这么长时间才修复一个鼠标和手柄的兼容性问题?!!!!! 我要优化补丁就可以~ 到时候看看键盘还能不能用,反正现在还不能用。 都是些没多大用处的修复,看来要让游戏帧数提高只有等XP补丁了,DX9下运行肯定会比DX10,11下帧数高 but needs more time for testing - online fix will be in TU 1.4{:3_44:}
1.4!!!! 叛逆先生 发表于 2012-7-7 16:20 static/image/common/back.gif
but needs more time for testing - online fix will be in TU 1.4
LS你竟然还有胆量买这游戏的正版.... :O
1.4貌似对优化会有改善,期待下 还2个?麻烦,一个搞定算了 1.4更新是针对那非常弱的阴影,也就是帧数优化.
1.3针对部分识别不出的鼠标&键盘和在线多人联机的稳定. 里面更新了什么。。。
看半天都没看到些实质性的东西,ubi还敢说自己重视PC版!? 看一看...{:3_160:} 该团队也致力于电脑的版本,和一个特定的更新的电脑将于下周初公布修正输入兼容性问题。1.3更新信息团队意识到你关心的问题和读取每个单一的评论张贴在线程来处理报告的问题尽快。作为下一个更新几乎是在这里,我想给你更多的细节:1.3更新•输入兼容性修补•鼠标上下左右不工作的一些配置;•鼠标+360控制器(不需要拔下垫,一切工作都将同时):当你连接/断开垫飞行关键图标会改变在接下来弹出/ /游戏仍然会显示图标,如果垫垫连接。•球队取得进展,但需要更多的时间在线稳定性测试-在线修复将在涂1.4•释放-09.07.2012或10.07.2012下一步呢?这是目前的计划,1.4更新。但是请注意,内容或发布日期可能会改变一点-我们会通知你的。1.4更新•内容(待定):•最后控制台的更新与云更新•处理图形,性能,稳定性和兼容性问题,在线•释放埃塔-大约一个星期后,1.3更新 ws02180018 发表于 2012-7-8 00:53 static/image/common/back.gif
LS你竟然还有胆量买这游戏的正版.... :O
我本将心向育碧 奈何育碧....{:3_113:}
还在下本体,貌似游戏问题很多?三周没上网的表示不知道情况 我想问那3DM的1.2汉化补丁在补上官方升级的1.3补丁后还有效没?