本帖最后由 luoyuchen911 于 2012-6-22 05:54 编辑Exclusive Total War first look at Rezzed
By Tom Phillips Published 30 May, 2012
See the future of the series at Eurogamer show.
Total War developer The Creative Assembly will appear at Rezzed: The PC and Indie Games Show to exclusively show the future of its strategy series.
Attendees at the Eurogamer event will get the first look at the developer's next project during a presentation celebrating the studio's 25th anniversary, scheduled to take place 6th July at 1pm UK time.
"This year, The Creative Assembly is celebrating a quarter of a century making games," said Total War lead designer James Russell. "I'll be at Rezzed giving a talk on the making of the Total War series, and showing a sneak peek of what we're doing next. Exciting times - see you there!"
Rezzed takes place on Friday 6th July and Saturday 7th July at the Brighton Centre. That's in Brighton. Tickets are on sale now at www.rezzed.com, priced £12 for one day or £20 for both.
Eurogamer is now revealing the event's full line-up thick and fast: earlier this week 2K announced that Borderlands 2 will be playable at Rezzed for the first time in the UK.
Also playable: Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines, Introversion's Prison Architect, Croteam's Serious Sam 3 and Xenonauts, with many more set to be announced before July.
Expect developer sessions, too, including one from Carmageddon Reincarnation developer Stainless Games and a 15-minute narrated demo of XCOM: Enemy Unknown. 看不懂!!!!!!!!!!!!!!不过希望是中世纪2 其实就是说会在一个游戏展中发布,英国时间7月6日下午一点 zouyaneyes 发表于 2012-6-22 11:11 static/image/common/back.gif
是羅馬2,在官網看了 好多水军