游民星空放出了个《战争游戏:欧洲扩张》八项属性修改器(CH制造) 中文硬盘版 试了下无用 那位高人指点一下
连接 http://www.gamersky.com/Soft/201205/35101.shtml试了下 完全没效果 那位牛人修改修改 让中文硬盘版能用 v12.05.02.312 是修改器版本? 还是游戏版本?
开始游戏后按 “F1”激活修改器
Numpad 1:添加部署点
Numpad 2:超级单位
Numpad 3:脆弱的单位
Numpad 4:无限的燃料
Numpad 5:无限弹药
Numpad 6:添加XP
Numpad 7:增加等级
Numpad 8:Add命令明星
CHEATHAPPENS.com Presents:
Wargame European Escalation Trainer
May 7, 2012
This is for v12.05.02.312
This trainer is provided to test the compatibility of our FULL trainer on your
system. One option is active and if it works fine on your system, all options
from our full trainer should also work with no problems.
Using this Trainer
Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.
Listen for "Activated".
Press desired option key
Options in Promo
Numpad 4: Unlimited Fuel
Numpad 1: Add Deployment Points
Numpad 2: Super Units
Numpad 3: Weak Units
Numpad 4: Unlimited Fuel
Numpad 5: Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 6: Add XP
Numpad 7: Add Rank
Numpad 8: Add Command Stars
Numpad 1: Add Deployment Points - while in the battle screen, press key
to add approximately 1000 more points.It may take a second
for it to display new value.
Numpad 2: Super Units - Double click on a unit and make sure that you
are not mousing over another unit and then press this key.If
you hear ON then the unit (and ALL units on the map of that
type) will become much more immune to damage.Keep in mind
this will affect ALL units of that type.So if you pick ONE
specific TANK type, ALL the TANKS on your team will be affected
by this.Make sure you don't affect enemy units by accident
unless this is desired.Press the option again while a
unit is selected and if you hear OFF then the unit is back
to normal.
Numpad 3: Weak Units - Double click on a unit and then press this
key to make it very weak.You will see the HP bar disappear
or go very low likely.As before, keep in mind that this
will affect ALL units of that TYPE.Make sure NOT to do
this over your own units unless that is desired.Press the
option again and if you hear OFF then the unit is back to
normal health or close to it.
Numpad 4: Unlimited Fuel - turn this on and many units will not need
to refuel any longer or very rarely.
Numpad 5: Unlimited Ammo - turn this on and you will find many units
and vehicles and their weapons will be able to shoot unlimited
or rarely have to refill ammo.
Numpad 6: Add XP - press key and you will see that the unit XP rises.
Once it has filled the bar, you can still add more, but the
unit might not rank up until actual XP is earned.For multiple
units this may only affect ONE unit in the group.
Numpad 7: Add Rank - press key to add rank to the unit.The trainer
will not let you rank above 4 levels to prevent problems.For
multiple units this may only affect ONE unit in the group.
Numpad 8: Add Command Stars - while on the organization and equipment
table, click on one of the LOCKED units and the press this
key.Then you can buy a unit and you will find you have more
stars.You can press this multiple times to add more and more
This trainer will allow you to customize the keys if you desire!Use our
Trainer Customizer to accomplish this! Download it from our trainer
troubleshooting page (link below).
Having trouble getting the trainer to work? Visit our forums at www.cheathappens.com
and check out our TRAINER TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE for helpful tips:
AUTHENTICITY NOTICE (Does not apply to PROMO or FREE trainers):
In an effort to maintain the integrity of the files downloaded from our site and to prevent
illegal file sharing, this trainer will perform an authenticity check while in use. This check
requires an Internet connection and the trainer will not run if a connection is absent or if the
trainer is blocked by a security application. NO INFORMATION, PERSONAL OR OTHERWISE, IS SENT TO
CHEAT HAPPENS DURING THIS PROCESS. This check is only performed on trainers that have been
personalized for individual use, not our PROMO or FREE trainers. If you want/need to use the
trainer offline, please go to our trainer troubleshooting page for instructions on how to obtain
an offline key to avoid online checks.
If you want more trainers or mega trainer versions, when available, with more
options then visit us at WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM
没用的,版本不对。这里早就有人放出来了 第三小关开始就好难打啊。2路。。都干不过去:L 感觉需要翻译一下额 这个是无限燃料的修改器 除了4 其他几个要付费的 现在的修改器都是假的-3- 希望月影大大可以做个修改器就好了. 这个修改器是免费试用版,只有无限燃料有效·········· 没用的 能用这个,就只能用第4个:无限燃料,不过这恰恰也是我最需要改的地方,其它的就算能用我也不用,因为那样全改后就会越玩越没趣
自走炮真爽,就是精度不够,但灵活,不用车来拉,相当与突袭3里的主炮了,覆盖全境 Options in Promo
Numpad 4: Unlimited Fuel