本帖最后由 ddsman 于 2012-5-12 19:37 编辑转载自 游民,http://www.gamersky.com/Soft/201205/34930.shtml
Update Notes:
- Most monster attacks can be blocked now
- Player has the ability to dodge during combat
- Fixed issue with flickering trees in far distance
- Fixed issue with SLI graphic cards
- Fixed a crash with 7.1 sound system configuration
- Fixed a crash during climbing
- Fixed issue within return to ship option
- Fixed rain in interiors
- Crew members can't be killed by monsters anymore
- Player get the cunning potion after he crafted it
- Fixed issues with skill teachers
- Maximum amount of automatic saves was limited to 10
- Improvements in monster combat AI
- Improvements in character AI if they get attacked from behind
- Improved vegetation rendering
- Improved object view distance
- Improved terrain rendering
- Simplify cannon sabotage in Puerto Isabella
- Merchant on Sword Coast sells Rum and Grog
- Removed exploit for shooting game
- Mara's health increased
- Stealbeard's hat can't be sold anymore
**** Hidden Message ***** 谢谢分享不知道更新版的汉化啥时候有 最新测试,汉化仍旧能用! 哈哈 谢谢楼主! 很想試試能不能擋守護者的攻擊... 楼主真心厚道也不设置个回复可见啥的,我偏偏顶你。让更多的人分享到。 wjr040 发表于 2012-5-12 21:32 static/image/common/back.gif
回复可见都是有头衔的人才有权利啊。。。我们贫民怎么设置啊{:3_152:} 最后一个岛了,补丁终于出了。。。 :):):):):):):):):) 支持lz。。。 测试了,真的可用,不用再等 s 组的。 酷喔~~這個很好~~ 感谢楼主,看来大妈已经放弃这个游戏。 效果很好,人工置顶 这个支持个,下一个看看 回复可见都是有头衔的人才有权利啊。。。我们贫民怎么设置啊
不論真相是什麼,這個必須支持 支持lz分享~~~~~ 用不起,3dm的汉化用不起这个升级
支持lz。。。 支持LZ,希望skidrow出破解后,3DM也能放上升级补丁。
用后感觉这补丁改进很大,游戏表现一下子变得好了很多。SLI的问题解决了,画面阴影闪烁解决了。 lzzlp 发表于 2012-5-13 01:30 static/image/common/back.gif
怎么用不起?我用后依旧汉化有效。 ddddddddddddd
ddddddddddddd 终于出了,不用被短吻鳄咬死没处发泄了
回帖是美德$ thank you for sharing! 感謝大大的分享:) 感謝大大的分享 333333333333333