亚瑟王2,v1.1.07.1 个人汉化修正补丁(修正了瘟疫幸存者任务乱码)
本帖最后由 jfmao 于 2015-8-23 18:19 编辑等汉化组的实在难熬,自己尝试修正了一下,先打汉化组的补丁,再覆盖。注意是1.1.07.1的。
00 Roma Chapter\Campaign\Rise_of_the_Legions_diplomacia.xml
The barbarian kingdom of Malahaut is slowly being torn apart by inner conflicts. A group of local lords declared an open war on their own queen, since they are certain that she’s nothing but a puppet, slave to an accursed royal relic that’s poisoning her soul and stealing away her sanity. There are Roman families in Eboracum that have been secretly participating in this conflict: the Quintus family supports the rebels, while the Messalas sided with the queen. Meanwhile, the Severus family strives to restore the peace that will benefit trade. You need to take sides now, as the man you need, Valerius, the former commander of the legions, is the prisoner of the queen.
The war in Malahaut attracted numerous mercenary bands to the kingdom. They are trying to exploit the conflict as best they can. You decide to hire one of these immoral groups to spring Valerius from the prison. You get two separate offers in a very short time, but it’s obvious that their methods are too cruel and crude to be really effective, which means that they might not be able to get Valerius out with all of his soldiers.
I choose a marauder knight and his band of veteran warriors
http://yunpan.cn/cda3MaBY7EIJ5访问密码 d5dc
居然还有人要,幸好没删,不过1.1.08就爱莫能助了 顶楼主~ 第二个任务的乱码很是让我纠结了一阵子非常感谢LZ 边玩边改,这是一种精神 再顶,重新开档,楼主是个细心人,保护模式都翻译了 不错啊,支持 楼主能否传个115啊,附件下载下来老是提示解压错误啊! 回复下载哦啊哈哈啊哈 这个v1.1.07.1楼主在哪下的,论坛里的下到一半就下不了:Q 顶一下,麻烦LZ了
jian501 发表于 2012-6-7 01:24 static/image/common/back.gif
就是下的论坛的完全版 我就下到一半就不动了:'( strings.rar 下载不到了,求楼主更新~{:3_155:}
已经2天了,楼主怎么还没修正下载地址啊{:3_155:} yakuza12345 发表于 2012-7-7 10:46 static/image/common/back.gif
最近没怎么上,放出115了 jfmao 发表于 2012-7-7 20:06 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢,必须顶 支持一下。。。。。 楼主,好顶赞一个 1.08等你咯 热心人士1.08也做一个吧 多谢楼主的补丁 文件失效,能在上传一个么!~1 caizhizhu 发表于 2015-8-6 20:15 static/image/common/back.gif
补了,不过是1.1.07的,和1.1.08兼容不兼容就不知道了,没时间玩了 论坛的下不了,网盘的失效,楼主可不可以再补一下啊~ joker01 发表于 2015-8-17 21:08 static/image/common/back.gif
同求 老电脑玩很卡!准备买新电脑 继续玩这个经典作品! 的顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶 打酱油哦
求热心人上传一下,都下不了了 fhx06c 发表于 2017-6-20 04:19
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1boMFOS3 密码:zz91