kkkmax 发表于 2012-4-12 20:28


One of your mods has overridden the genericl.ore script in a way that prevents some cobl functions from working correctly see cobl docs for more info.

bluesky404 发表于 2012-4-12 20:44

Generic Lore Override
When you first start playing, you may get an error message indicating that some mod has overridden the generic lore script and that this may interfere with some of Cobl's functions.
•First, don't panic! The interference is relatively small (main effect is that some things may fail to appear in the options menu).
•However, the reason for such interference is usually that a mod has done a "Compile All" on scripts. Doing is usually a (somewhat) bad idea, since it means that the mod will interfere with any other mod that intentionally changes vanilla Oblivion scripts (e.g. UOP or Herman's Script Optimization).
•Currently, the best way to find the offending mod is to update Wrye Bash to version 226 (or later) and then rebuild your bashed patch. Bash will report on which files have the compile all problem. You can then use Bash's Decompile All command on the offending mods. It's also a good idea to contact the author of the mod and let them know of the problem.从Doc上摘抄的
解决办法就是给有问题的那个插件运行Decompile All(此功能在Wrye Bash里面)
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查看完整版本: 有遇到类似情况的没?貌似是全美和cobl的问题