xilutaotao 发表于 2012-4-8 22:22


现在我打不开T网不能上链 1个叫SB_TES4_Oblivion_Crossbow_Mod_v80-36396-8-0的MOD 是十字弩的MOD 说明说 在以下地方能找到或者买到:帝都的战斗时机、Bravil的The Archer's Paradox、Missing Pauldron in the Shivering Isles 除了Shivering Isles还没找(任务太多 没做到)其他的战斗时机、The Archer's Paradox我都找过NPC也没卖 是不是我英文太渣 没看懂怎么用?{:3_141:}

Name: SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod
Version: 8.0
Date: 12/01/2008
Category: Weapons and Armour
Requirements: Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE v0009)
Author(s): Sjors Boomschors
Source: TesNexus

This mod adds crossbows and bolts to the game. These crossbows and bolts come in many different textured varieties.

These crossbows and bolts can be found and bought in the:
- 揑mperial City, Market district, A Fighting Change?
- 揃ravil, The Archer's Paradox?
- 揗issing Pauldron?in the Shivering Isles.

YouTube movies

My YouTube Oblivion mod movies

SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod v5.0 - 1

SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod v5.0 - 2

SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod v5.0 - 3

This Mod contains the following crossbows and bolts.

16 SB Crossbows.

Braun Wood Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Crossbow Pistol 1.nif
Crossbow Pistol 2.nif
Crossbow Rifle 1.nif
Daedric Crossbow 1.nif
Dark Red Wood Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Glass Crossbow 1.nif
Golden Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Light Braun Wood Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Light Red Wood Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Mioun Crossbow 1.nif
Rusty Steel 01 Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Rusty Steel 02 Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Rusty Steel 03 Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Rusty Steel 04 Crossbow 1 R1.nif
Widow Crossbow 1.nif

15 SB Crossbow Bolts.

Amber Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Bone Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Daedric Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Darkseducer Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Dwarven Bolt Quiver.nif
Ebony Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Elven Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Ghostly Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Glass Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Goldensaint Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Gromite Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Iron Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Madness Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Silver Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif
Steel Crossbow Bolt Quiver.nif

1. Remove all content off the previous version (recommended).
2. Extract the individual archives into you Oblivion\Data folder (Override old files).
3. Start the 揙blivion Launcher? click Data Files, activate the mods DXtoVK.ESM file.
4. Start the 揙blivion Launcher? click Data Files, activate one of the mods .ESP files.
5. Run Oblivion with Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) v0009 or higher.

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the mods .ESM and .ESP file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.

Oblivion\Data\Meshes\SB Crossbow Bolts
Oblivion\Data\Meshes\SB Crossbow's
Oblivion\Data\Textures\SB Crossbow Bolts
Oblivion\Data\Textures\SB Crossbow's
Oblivion\Data\Textures\Menus\Icons\MyMod\Weapons\SB Crossbow Bolts
Oblivion\Data\Textures\Menus\Icons\MyMod\Weapons\SB Crossbow's

1. Uninstall ore Just override the old mod.
2. Run Oblivion with OBSE v0009 or higher and play. There is no effect on saved games and this mod cannot corrupt any saves. Only the crossbows and bolts will appear ore disappear.

This mod is compatible with:
- Standard Oblivion weapons and game settings.
- Standard Shivering Isle weapons and game settings.
- A crossbow mod called "Crossbow Cethegus v1.1"

This mod is not compatible with:
- Weapon mods with weapons with a weapon speed near 0.5111.
- Weapon mods with ammo with a ammo speed near 2.0100.
- A mod called (Crossbows of Cyrodiil) created by Linus / oxfordite.

Known Issues or Bugs
SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod v8.0 Bugs.

- The crossbow string tensioning sound is not synchronized.
- The crossbow is not positioned correctly when it is on the players back.
- When a crossbow bolt quiver is dropt a separate bolt falls out of the quiver.
- When in sneak mode the character exits sneak when firing.

Still to come in a next version:

- Extended crossbow scripting.
- Extended crossbow levelling system.
- Extended crossbow bolt levelling system.
- Crossbows and bolts sold at more locations.
- Crossbows given to NPC抯 and Guards
- Improving the position of crossbows on the back of characters.
- Enchanted crossbows and bolts.

This version
V8.0 update *Done by Linus*

- The crossbow quiver collision meshes are fixed and optimised *Done by Linus*
- The crossbow collision meshes are fixed and optimised *Done by Linus*


V7.0 update *Done by SB and Bioxx*

- The crossbow quiver and bolt texture bugs are fixed. *Done by Bioxx*
- The crossbow collision meshes are optimised *Done by SB*
- The crossbow collision meshes settings are fixed. *Done by Bioxx*
(the crossbows now fall to the ground)

V6.0 update *Done by Tibixe*

- Scripting is added to the mod. *Done by Tibixe*
   * The same horizontal crossbow firing animation for standing and sneaking.
   * Bows only equip arrows and crossbows only equip bolts.

V5.0 update *Done by SB*

- All crossbows animated.
- All texture problems fixed.
- Added new crossbows.
- Added crossbow bolts.
- Added new crossbow textures.
- All game crashes and errors fixed.
- Added improved collision meshes.
- 揅ethegus crossbow mod?totally removed due to a modders conflict.

V4.0 update *Done by SB and Cethegus*

- A small number of insignificant bugs fixed.
- Critical bug fixed "Game crashes when firing bolt"
- SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod v4.0 merged with
Crossbow Cethegus v1.1 + Add-on v001 to fix bugs.
- Enchantment bug fixed on one of my sniper bolts.

Read the bug line for still known bugs.

V3.0 update *Done by SB*

- Improved crossbow meshes.
- Better corresponding crossbow icons.

V2.0 update *Done by SB*

- All crossbows textured.
- Improved crossbow meshes.
- Better looking crossbow icons.
- Removed visible animation bones.

I give credits to the following people for the creation of there mods and for helping me.

"Bethesda Softworks"
For the creation of the game TES - Morrowind and Oblivion + Shivering Isles.

"Oblivion - Crossbow Cethegus v1.0 and v1.1 mod?
Created by Cethegus and Scruggsywuggsy the Ferret.
For there great job, creating a perfectly working crossbow
and crossbow bolts, on with example I could build my own mod.

揙blivion - Modder's Resource Crossbow v1.0?
Created by Scruggsywuggsy the Ferret.
For the crossbow mod scripting.

Tibixe for modifying the 揗odders Resource Crossbow Script v1.0?originally created by scruggs.

Bioxx for fixing the crossbow and bolt quiver texture bugs and collision mesh settings.

Linus for fixing and optimising the crossbow and bolt quiver collision meshes.

揗orrowind - GBCrossbows?
Created by Glassboy.
For the creation of the Glass and Deadric crossbow
meshes and textures.

揗orrowind - GR_Crossbow?
Created by Grumpy.
For the creation of the Nordic crossbow
meshes and textures.

揗orrowind - Van_Helsing Crossbow?
Created by ..........?
For the creation of the Van Helsing crossbow
meshes and textures.

揗orrowind - Widow Maker Crossbow v1.0?
Created by Phijama.
For the creation of the Widow Maker crossbow
meshes and textures.

Tools Used
3D Studio Max
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE)
Readme Generator

You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like to know what mods are including my work so contact me before including this mod.

Useful tip when including crossbows in your own work.

OBSE: This mod and its crossbows work perfectly without OBSE - only a few options and tweaks will be missing. The OBSE-script from this mod detects crossbows and bolts by there weapon and arrow speed. So please keep them the same so that this mods script will recognize them and lets them work as crossbows from the original mod.

Two tips when you use something from this mod:
- Keep all the files, meshes, textures and icons in the original folders so that they can be overwritten by future versions and fixes of this mod.
- Keep the crossbow (0,51111) and bolt speed (2.0100) the same as used in this mod so that the OBSE script from this mod applies on crossbows and bolts in your mod.

Contact information
The creator of this mod is:
Sjors Boomschors from the Netherlands.

My TesNexus account and released mods

My YouTube Oblivion mod movies

My SB TES4 Oblivion Crossbow Mod Bethsoft Forum

Contact information:
To communicate faster contact me by using the MSN messenger or send messages and files tosb_oblivion_mod@hotmail.com.

E-mail: sb_oblivion_mod@hotmail.com
MSN: sb_oblivion_mod@hotmail.com

cdf00 发表于 2012-4-10 09:26


bluesky404 发表于 2012-4-10 09:38


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