【Mod漢化-內核】Fallout3 Master Fix
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可兼容Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch、Mothership Crew、Fallout3 Wanderers Edition、Fellout等等知名MOD
CURRENT VERSION: 1.0 revision2
Please note this file does require all the Fallout 3 Official DLCs, this site currently only has The Elder Scrolls DLCs listed in the required files section.
As of late you may have noticed that progression the Master Fix has become less and less apparent. This is because of many various reasons but as of today any further progression will no longer be made on this mod. It was requested to me that the work of hairylegs222 no longer be used in future versions of the Master Fix which disables me from releasing any new versions. At this time my heart itself is no longer in this project, and sadly it is time for this to come to and end.
The current version will remain up, so that everyone will be able to continue to benefit from the effects of the Master Fix, but beware that I will be providing very little support, if any for this mod. Other former teams members may wish to provide support, and that is entirely up to them.
Distribution of this mod is strictly prohibited, and using any of the works contained in it whether it be partial or the file in it's entirety is prohibited. For more information see the Permissions section.
This mod goals to fix most of the problems found in Fallout 3. Very extensive work has gone into this mod as it combines hairylegs222's work and the work of ccmechanic2. While this may be based on the combined work of 2 mod authors, the rest of the team is going to be rounding up more bugs, and glitches that need to be fixed and do it. What you will see from this is significantly reduced CTDs(crash to desktop) and much smoother play with increase frame rates
We start making this mod by merging everything that is in the INVISIBLE WALL REMOVER and the ERROR CORRECTIONS - REDUCE CTD mods. To this effect you no longer require either of those mods and INVISIBLE WALL REMOVER is no longer being supported.
Currently we are offering multiple versions of the file that you may download. First we have the version that require ALL the DLCS
‧Master Fix x.xrevx DLC: This version contains all the DLCs and they are all required for this version to run.
‧Master Fix x.xrevx DLC-FPS: This version contains all the DLCs and they are all required for this version to run. This is the version tweaked to have a higher frame rate.
Here are the version that do not require DLCs:
‧Master Fix x.xrevx NODLC: This version contains none of the DLCs and they are not required for this version to run.
‧Master Fix x.xrevx NODLC-FPS: This version contains none of the DLCs and they are not required for this version to run. This is the version tweaked to have a higher frame rate
The HIGHER FPS versions are made by disabling various audio markers around the wasteland and increasing fog rendering. The disabled audio markers lowers CPU load on systems that only have on-board audio, and the fog reduces rendering load on GPUs.
If you feel you could want a little higher frame rate, and don't mind these changes, then this is the version for you. Also note that by using the HIGHER FPS versions you aren't missing out on any of the MASTER FIX action, it contains the same fixes as their non performance altering counterparts.
Currently there are no longer any confirmed reported bug, if you find one let us know, we will look into it.
Upon running this mod through FO3edit you are going to receive a notice about a few things. These are nothing to be alarmed about and they are something that we are looking into correcting, they will not cause any conflicts with other mods.
DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 7>
This is caused by adding objects the certain Wasteland Worldspaces. It is harmless.
For obvious reasons these mods are now combined and their separate counterparts or now no longer needed.
‧LessRocks - I couldn't find a link for this, but a user did report it.
These mods delete references which make Master Fix crash, stutter, and hiccup. Using these mods with Master Fix will cause problems.
Install MASTER FIX at the bottom of your load order, do not include it in any merges, master updates, and please do not edit it.
Installing this mod can be done one of two ways.
‧Dragging the folder contents to your games DATA folder
‧Installation via FOMM.
This process is detailed in more description in the readme included with each download.
This mod has a very picky load order setup, and this section hasn't had enough detail about it, and there were complaints. So here is a little more detail, also this information is included in the readme. This section can be used to help sort all of your mods, not just Master Fix.
‧Streetlights.esm if installed
‧Broken Steel.esm
‧Point Lookout.esm
‧Your other esm files go next and generally there is no specific order they need to be loaded
‧Appearance Alterations(ie: Lings, Project Beauty esp files)
‧DarNUI and other UI changed mods generally go at the top of your load order.
‧Worldspace additions
‧Equipment modifiers, adders, removers
‧Spawn mods(ie: Mart's Mutant Mod), NPC adding mods. Make sure you follow each of those mods specific load orders, sometimes they will conflict with each other.
‧Effect Replacers(ie: EVE)
‧Weather mods
‧Lighting mods
‧FastTravelIndoors(If installed)
Here is the order that the compatibility patches should go in:
‧Ling's Coiffure
‧Mothership Zeta Crew
‧Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch
‧Fallout 3 Wanderer's Edition
‧Realistic Interior Lighting
‧Dynamic Weather
Remember to only install the ones for the mods that you are running!
These compatibility patches are required because of the vast changes that Master Fix makes it overrides many of the changes these mods make. These patches simply put them back.
If you find this confusing and would like a more simply way to sort your mods you can use utilities like the BOSS Sort in FOMM or download BOSS directly and run it, then you will only have to sort the Compatibility Patches.
Current and future releases may contain code/assets from the following mods and credit goes out to their author(s):
Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 Hotfix
Banzaaiii - Found the Hospital Wall bug
alt3rn1ty - Discovered Better Game Performance incompatibility
This file is to only be hosted on http:\\fallout3nexus.com.
Linking directly to the download link is prohibited, all links must point to this page
Please read the permissions section for more details.
All images, documentation, and work are protected.
楼主都不翻译一下这些鸟语{:3_153:} 支持一下,收了,谢谢 看不懂。。。。 是提高游戏运行效率提高帧率的修复吗?我安了很多高材质补丁,用这个不晓得有没效果~ 可能多少有增加幀率,但我是沒什麼感覺...
本身機器就蠻順的 英文水平高的话不如汉化点任务类的MOD,充实下游戏内容,我是有那心没那力-英文太衰了~~