发表于 2012-4-24 15:45
发表于 2012-4-24 15:48
发表于 2012-4-24 16:06
发表于 2012-4-26 18:02
发表于 2012-4-27 14:54
Changes as of April 26, 2012
Ship AI:
No longer "cheats" by being able to see through fog of war while in Search & Destroy mode
Fighter wings returning to a carrier will try to avoid enemy ships throughout their return
Improved choice of strafing direction to better avoid being flanked
Escorting ships a bit more defensive, less likely to get themselves killed
Will use omni shields against multiple threats instead of just the biggest one, when possible
Has higher-level tactical awareness and tries to avoid being swarmed
Improved escort behavior yet again - *much* less likely to get in the way
Made aware of when a ship's best firepower is a broadside (either due to overall loadout or temporarily disabled weapons)
Weapon balance:
Railgun: reduced rate of fire
Heavy Autocannon: increased damage
Arbalest Autocannon: increased damage
Ship balance:
Aurora: reduced shield efficiency
Conquest: increased flux capacity and dissipation, greatly reduced shield efficiency
Hammerhead: increased arc of medium hardpoints to 10 degrees (up from 5)
Mods in the mod selection dialog now listed in alphabetical order
Made many more colors used in the game available for modding (in settings.json)
Improved logging so you can see which file is being loaded before a potential error can occur
Added support for mods to add their own music
Opponents that can be picked for the simulation available from the refit screen can be set in data/campaign/sim_opponents.csv
Added the following fields to the descriptor.json for a mod:
"author" - displayed alongside the description
"totalConversion":"true" or "false" - makes it so that selecting this mod unselects everything else, and selecting another mods unselects this on - i.e., you can't combine this mod with other mods
"replace" - a JSON array of filenames for files that the mod replaces entirely, instead of merging with data from the base game. Useful for a total conversion that may want to entirely replace the list of missions (so that the vanilla missions don't show up at all), the player.faction, or the list of available simulation opponents. Example: "replace":["data/missions/mission_list.csv",] - will replace mission list with ones from mod.
Only needed for .csv and .json files that would otherwise be merged by the game
Command interface:
Improved quality of picks for light escort, destroyer escort, and capture assignments
UI improvements:
Added "Run Simulation" option to the refit screen (deploys current variant, lets you pick some opponents)
Trade UI changes
Presents the tabbed UI, allows to switch between different tabs while trading
Can refit ship while docked with station and purchase weapons from station from the refit screen
Added "refit ships" option to orbital station dialog
Ship refitted at a station are fully fitted immediately and do not need to wait a few days for hullmods to take effect
Updated look and feel of refit UI to match the rest of the UI better
Added tooltip with detailed ship stats to refit UI (hover over OP bar to see)
Added arc indicator to weapon list in weapon group dialog (so you can tell which weapon is which in cases where it's ambiguous)
Can set groups to have autofire toggled on automatically before battle
Stock variants adjusted to set groups to do this where appropriate
Opening the refit tab when coming from the fleet tab pre-selects the moused over ship
For UI consistency, pressing TAB no longer closes the map when on the map tab
Added detail of what crew level does to tooltip
Saves zoom level in the campaign, and zoom level and view location in the campaign map
Added tooltips for fuel/cargo/personnel/fleet points/hangar space with breakdown of related information
Ammo counter now shows 4 digits
Improved mod selection dialog (more space, more readable font)
Optimized rendering performance of fleets in the campaign screen
Added an abandoned storage facility in orbit around the sun-scorched world of Covrus I
Missions: ships can now be refitted for each mission
Optimized save file format a bit (takes about 25% less space)
Fixed issue with ships bumping into each other at spawn if a faster ship ended up behind a slower one
Added music/SFX volume controls (under the in-game settings menu)
Bug fixes:
Fixed autoresolve bug that was causing fighters with hullmods to have sky-high hitpoints
This would also cause the game to stutter due to auto-resolves taking far longer than expected
Fixed issue where wrong tooltip would show up in the refit screen for ships with weapons that are close together
发表于 2012-4-27 15:48
发表于 2012-4-29 14:14
发表于 2012-5-2 13:44
发表于 2012-5-2 19:14
发表于 2012-5-2 20:03
发表于 2012-5-7 14:39
发表于 2012-5-7 15:49