亚瑟王2新升级补丁1.1.05---->1.1.06 赶紧更新吧 少年!!!【另附1.1.01和1.1.02版本 以供逐步升级用】
本帖最后由 OwenLJN 于 2012-3-2 17:46 编辑我已经传到我的115网盘上了
注:必须要从1.0.05更新到1.1.01然后1.1.02, 1.1.03,1.1.04,1.1.05
听有玩家说论坛的整合版有问题 那我就传了1.1.01和1.1.02版本供大家下载逐步升级
King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame v1.1.06
- Corrosive Bile skill fixed
- Popup does not appear when Leadership drops below the total requirement (the excess units are grey and do not fight in battles)
- Extreme Morality bonuses (over 20) fixed
- "Upload" expression changed
- Opposing traits of the Ladies fixed
- Retreating from the Guardian of a Nether Gate fixed
- The Tomb of the Emperor Objective bug fixed (if the Western gate solved as last in “The Immortals” Objective)
- Fixed bugs at closing Nether Gates
- Stronghold locations bug fixed
- AI units cannot learn morality skills of the player anymore
- Lair type location modifiers fixed
- The popup of combat stats (Damage, HP, etc.) lists the bonuses from Promotions and Morality separately
- The popup of Fiefdoms (on the Fiefdom List and the Hero screen) lists the type of the Locations in the province
- The popup of Locations on the Location List provides the description of the Location
- Clicking a Fiefdom icon moves the camera to the chosen province
- Sir Galahad never gets killed by any raiding Fomorian army anymore
(Saved games having such situation are retroactively fixed by spawning another Sir Galahad army and restarting the Grail Knight Objective.)
- Tear in the Veil bug fixed (grants Leadership discount to all special units)
- Teleports and some other special locations appear on the Minimap
- Buttons for activating/deactivating icons on the Minimap are available (above the Minimap)
- Adventures of Sir Balan Objective fixed (Army of King Alwick bug)
- Right-clicking on one of the Main Hero icons at the top of the Campaign Map GUI selects the army without moving the camera. Left-clicking remains unchanged.
- “Army changing trick” at the Artifact Store fixed
- Buying Artifacts at Traders is available without hero(es) at the location. Such Artifacts arrive to the Artifact Store.
Known issues – fixing in progress
- Beast Master skill
- Path finding issue when an enemy army blocks the one and only route
- At Delegate quests, the popup of the End Turn button should read as "A delegate is waiting for you."
- Resurrection spell popup information
- Knights of the Light units skills
- Tier 2 Elmet Legionaries and the Fomori Slayer skill
kingarthurii_patch_from_v1105_to_v1106.zip (143.87MB)
3DMGAME-King.Arthur.II.The.Roleplaying.Wargame.v1.1.02.Update-SKIDROW.rar (291.01MB)
kingarthurii_patch_v1101.zip (192.32MB)
哎,出了这么多补丁,怎么就不能出个字体补丁,太小了。 补丁越来越大 我只关注 会不会跳出的问题!!1.106会跳出不?LZ 不说这么汉化问题,为何这游戏的补丁都出了这么多,不见3dm主站更新的呢。 "欧德ツ曼" 发表于 2012-3-1 10:38 static/image/common/back.gif
我只关注 会不会跳出的问题!!1.106会跳出不?LZ
1.1.06比1.1.05要好多了 跳出减少
523dg 发表于 2012-3-1 16:50 static/image/common/back.gif
不说这么汉化问题,为何这游戏的补丁都出了这么多,不见3dm主站更新的呢。 ...
这游戏本来就没加密,升级补丁应该直接打就是了吧 OwenLJN 发表于 2012-3-2 06:17 static/image/common/back.gif
在线的话 帮找下官网上的1.102的补丁呗,我打的论坛上这个合集补丁,升完1.1.06 升级弓手建筑 就跳出 感谢!
"欧德ツ曼" 发表于 2012-3-2 09:00 static/image/common/back.gif
在线的话 帮找下官网上的1.102的补丁呗,我打的论坛上这个合集补丁,升完1.1.06 升级弓手建筑 就跳出 感 ...
谢谢楼主。不优化的话,卡的很。 OwenLJN 发表于 2012-3-3 06:43 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢你的补丁,现在确实少跳出一些了 做到第三章 才跳出了一次。
这个是升级成v1.1.02,还是让v1.1.02升级到v1.1.06? h448534706 发表于 2012-3-3 03:45 static/image/common/back.gif
这个是升级成v1.1.02,还 ...
不错,顶一下 好人 谢谢分享啊
谢谢分享啊 1101版本和3dm亚瑟王2 14G的版本不同 安装不上