Hugh_wong 发表于 2012-2-16 10:28


本帖最后由 Hugh_wong 于 2012-2-16 10:30 编辑

Reckoning – Alchemy Skill Book
Location. You will need Detect Hidden level 4 to find the secret door near urul Tusk in Plains of Erathell and retrieve this Skill Book.炼金技能书。需要Detect Hidden(探秘,好吧,渣翻译)4级才能找到,地点在Plains of Erathell
Reckoning – Blacksmithing Skill Book
Location. As part of Warsworn Faction quests, you will find the book in the Hall of Firstsworn. Look for the books inside the rooms.锻造技能书。在Warsworn(战士公会)的一个任务里,这本书在Hall of Firstworn的房间里。
Reckoning – Detect Hidden Skill Book
Location. While completing the Traveler’s faction quests, you will get the book as a reward during one of the missions.探秘技能书。是Traveler的一个任务里得到。(Traveler公会也就是盗贼公会啦)
Reckoning – Dispelling Skill Book
Location. You will find this skill book in the library of House of Ballads (Dalentarth). You can open the location by using the ring which you will get after completing Song of Sir Sagrell quest.驱魔(好吧,渣翻译)技能书。在完成House of Ballads的很后期的一个主线任务,得到的指环,进入Dalentarth城市的House of Ballads分部,里面的图书馆有……
Reckoning – Lockpicking Skill Book
Location. In Northern Forsaken Plain, you will find the book in the locked chest beside the main chamber of Orieator’s Tomb. You will need Detect Hidden to find the chest.撬锁技能书,需要探秘技能找到,在Orieator's Tomb的主厅里找到。(我记得我也有一本,但似乎不是这么来的,我不记得是怎么得到的了……)
Reckoning – Persuasion Skill Book
Location. In Adessa, complete the quest ‘Paper Trail’ and you will get the book as reward.劝服技能书。完成在Adessa的任务"Paper Trail"获得。
Reckoning Sagecraft Skill Book
Location. In Glendra (Dalentarth), you will find the book in the well near the location where you got Hadwyn’s Mission.宝石铸匠(实在不知道如何翻译了)技能书。在Hadwyn房子家的井里。这地方我知道,稍后补图。
Reckoning – Stealth Skill Book
Location. During Traveler’s faction quests, you will get the book after one of the missions (probably after Going Rogue).潜行技能书。好吧,还是Traveler的任务里。

失落乐谱 发表于 2012-2-16 10:35

我补充一个 在一个暗门后面后一本炼金的技能书

Horus_Ra 发表于 2012-2-16 11:21

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查看完整版本: 好吧,转载过来的一份skillbook取得方法,对的,技能书哟