本帖最后由 jimsion007 于 2012-2-13 14:13 编辑虽然炼金10就可以看到炼金配方。但只能在炼金房,才能看到清晰的配方材料。
----------Unique Formulas(独特配方)
Fate Potion (命运之药)
[*]4x Essence of Fate (命运的真谛)
** Note ** You cannot use "experimentation" to get the Fate potion since it only uses one re-agent. You must have an alchemy skill of 10 to unlock the recipe to create the formula.
Liquid Seduction(迷惑液)
[*]1x Scarwood Bark(scarwood树皮)
[*]1x Tindertwig
[*]1x Sky Blossom(天空之花)
Purification Potion (净化药剂--能净化各种CURE,解除魔法箱子的伤害)
[*]2x Embereyes
[*]2x Ysa's Breath (YSA的呼吸/吐息/生命气息)
----------Lesser Formulas(次级配方)
Minor Alchemist's Art(生硬的炼金技能----提高炼金水平)
[*]1x Embereyes
[*]1x Sky Blossom (天空之花)
Minor Assassin's Evasion (潜行----提高潜行技巧)
[*]1x Cripplespore Caps
[*]1x Sky Blossom (天空之花)
Minor Blacksmith's Craft (生硬的铁匠技能---暂时提高一级铁匠技能)
[*]1x Tindertwig
[*]1x Sky Blossom
Minor Blazing Salve (炽热药剂--提高火属性伤害)
[*]2x Tindertwig
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Bleeding Resistance (次级抗血剂----抵抗出血伤害)
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Burning Sentinel (攻击有几率燃烧敌人)
[*]2x Tindertwig
[*]1x Edelweiss
Minor Current Stopper
[*]2x Eel Petal
[*]1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Damage Boost(次级增加攻击力)
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
Minor Damage Deflection (伤害转移)
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Dispelling Boost (化解增益效果)
[*]1x Star Thistle
[*]1x Sky Blossom
Minor Experience Boost (经验加成)
[*]2x Prismere Dust
[*]1x Leechwood Bark
Minor Flameguard (抗火抵御)
[*]1x Tindertwig
[*]1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Flesh Eater (攻击可以吸血)
[*]2x Black Cohosh
[*]2x Leechwood Bark
Minor Force Potion(增益药水)
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Freezing Sentinel (攻击有几率冰伤敌人)
[*]2x White Flake
[*]1x Edelweiss
Minor Frostbite (次级提高冰魔伤害)
[*]2x White Flake
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Frostguard (抗冰防御)
[*]1x White Flake
[*]1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Hardened Shell (护甲强化)
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
Minor Healing Potion (立即回血药剂)
[*]2x Black Cohosh
[*]1x Embereyes
Minor Healing Regen (增加治疗效果)
[*]2x Black Cohosh
[*]1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Jeweled Shilelagh (珠宝技巧---提高珠宝技能)
[*]1x White Flake
[*]1x Sky Blossom
Minor Lightning Sentinel (攻击有几率电击敌人)
[*]2x Eel Petal
[*]1x Edelweiss
Minor Lightning Storm ( 提高电属性伤害)
[*]2x Eel Petal
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Magebane
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
Minor Magic Amplification (魔法增益)
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
Minor Magic Precision (次级魔法命中度/暴击?---提高魔法命中/暴击?)
[*]2x Scarab Salts
[*]1x Star Thistle
Minor Mana Potion (立即回魔药水)
[*]2x Softscrabble Powder
[*]1x Embereyes
Minor Mana Regen (加快回魔速度)
[*]2x Softscrabble Powder
[*]1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Mana Sap (攻击可以吸蓝)
[*]2x Softscrabble Powder
[*]2x Leechwood Bark
Minor Merchant's Command (商行手谕---提高交易技巧)
[*]1x Sativa Fibers
[*]1x Sky Blossom
Minor Phasewalk (隐身)
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]1x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Sky Blossom
Minor Piercing Serum (内伤血清---能立即治疗出血,分泌腺暴)
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Scarlet Flowstone
Minor Precision (提高命中/暴击?)
[*]2x Scarab Salts
[*]1x Sativa Fibers
Minor Social Grace (社交礼仪---提高社交技巧)
[*]1x Leechwood Bark
[*]1x Sky Blossom
Minor Sorcerer's Intelligence (巫师的聪慧----智力越高,法伤越高)
[*]2x Softscrabble Powder
[*]2x Star Thistle
Minor Serpent's Venom (蛇之毒液)
[*]2x Cripplespore Caps
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Slashing Fury (移除不稳定状态)
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Minor Steeled Curtain (强化保护层/护甲)
[*]2x Seaflax
[*]1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Thief's Cunning (偷窃技巧)
[*]1x Eel Petal
[*]1x Sky Blossom
Minor Tracker's Draught (提高潜行技巧)
[*]1x Scarab Salts
[*]1x Sky Blossom
Minor Venomguard (抗毒防护)
[*]2x Cripplespore Caps
[*]1x Ysa's Breath
Minor Warrior's Strength (强化力量)
[*]2x Black Cohosh
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
----------Greater Formulas(中级配方)
Greater Alchemist's Art
[*]2x Embereyes
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Assassin's Evasion
[*]2x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Blacksmith's Craft
[*]2x Tindertwig
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Blazing Salve
[*]3x Tindertwig
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Bleeding Resistance
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Burning Sentinel
[*]3x Tindertwig
[*]2x Edelweiss
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Current Stopper
[*]2x Eel Petal
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Damage Boost
[*]4x Sativa Fibers
[*]4x Star Thistle
[*]3x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Greater Damage Deflection
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Greater Dispelling Boost
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Experience Boost
[*]3x Prismere Dust
[*]2x Leechwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Flameguard
[*]2x Tindertwig
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Flesh Eater
[*]3x Black Cohosh
[*]3x Leechwood Bark
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Force Potion
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]3x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Freezing Sentinel
[*]3x White Flake
[*]2x Edelweiss
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Frostbite
[*]3x White Flake
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Frostguard
[*]2x White Flake
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Hardened Shell
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]3x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Healing Potion
[*]3x Black Cohosh
[*]2x Embereyes
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Healing Regen
[*]3x Black Cohosh
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Jeweled Shilelagh
[*]2x White Flake
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Lightning Sentinel
[*]3x Eel Petal
[*]2x Edelweiss
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Lightning Storm
[*]3x Eel Petal
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Magebane
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]3x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Magic Amplification
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]3x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Magic Precision
[*]3x Scarab Salts
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Mana Potion
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]2x Embereyes
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Mana Regen
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Mana Sap
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]3x Leechwood Bark
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Merchant's Command
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Phasewalk
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]1x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Greater Piercing Serum
[*]3x Scarwood Bark
[*]3x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]1x Sativa Fibers
Greater Precision
[*]3x Scarab Salts
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]1x Scarwood Bark
Greater Social Grace
[*]2x Leechwood Bark
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Sorcerer's Intelligence
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Serpent's Venom
[*]3x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Slashing Fury
[*]3x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Steeled Curtain
[*]2x Seaflax
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Thief's Cunning
[*]2x Eel Petal
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Tracker's Draught
[*]2x Scarab Salts
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]1x Bloodroot
Greater Venomguard
[*]2x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
Greater Warrior's Strength
[*]3x Black Cohosh
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]1x Bloodroot
----------Master Formulas(高级配方)
Master Alchemist's Art
[*]2x Embereyes
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Assassin's Evasion
[*]2x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Blacksmith's Craft
[*]2x Tindertwig
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Blazing Salve
[*]3x Tindertwig
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Bleeding Resistance
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Burning Sentinel
[*]3x Tindertwig
[*]2x Edelweiss
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Current Stopper
[*]2x Eel Petal
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Dispelling Boost
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Experience Boost
[*]3x Prismere Dust
[*]2x Leechwood Bark
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Force Potion
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]3x Scarwood Bark
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Flameguard
[*]2x Tindertwig
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Flesh Eater
[*]3x Black Cohosh
[*]3x Leechwood Bark
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Frostbite
[*]3x White Flake
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Frostguard
[*]2x White Flake
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Freezing Sentinel
[*]3x White Flake
[*]2x Edelweiss
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Hardened Shell
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]3x Ysa's Breath
[*]2x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Healing Potion
[*]3x Black Cohosh
[*]2x Emebereyes
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Health Regen
[*]3x Black Cohsoh
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence fo Fate
Master Jeweled Shilelagh
[*]2x White Flake
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Lightning Sentinel
[*]3x Eel Petal
[*]2x Edelweiss
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Lightning Storm
[*]3x Eel Petal
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Magebane
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]3x Ysa's Breath
[*]2x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Magic Amplification
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]3x Scarwood Bark
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Magic Precision
[*]3x Scarab Salts
[*]2x Star Thistle
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Potion
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]2x Embereyes
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Regen
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]2x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Mana Sap
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]3x Leechwood Bark
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Merchant's Command
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Piercing Serum
[*]3x Scarwood Bark
[*]3x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Precision
[*]3x Scarab Salts
[*]2x Sativa Fibers
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Social Grace
[*]2x Leechwood Bark
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Sorcerer's Intelligence
[*]3x Softscrabble Powder
[*]3x Star Thistle
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Serpent's Venom
[*]3x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Slashing Fury
[*]3x Scarlet Flowstone
[*]2x Scarwood Bark
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Steeled Curtain
[*]2x Seaflax
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Thief's Cunning
[*]2x Eel Petal
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Tracker's Draught
[*]2x Scarab Salts
[*]2x Sky Blossom
[*]2x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Venomguard
[*]2x Cripplespore Caps
[*]2x Ysa's Breath
[*]1x Seaflax
[*]1x Essence of Fate
Master Warrior's Strength
[*]3x Black Cohosh
[*]3x Sativa Fibers
[*]1x Bloodroot
[*]1x Essence of Fate
没有我就勉强去翻译了 现在玩的就是英文版,别翻译了.... 还找炼金配方?lz真out了。。没看到ign的贱招么: 点炼金到10点出所有配方的里程碑然后洗点,配方保留;P;P 咳~~~~ 还找炼金配方?lz真out了。。没看到ign的贱招么: 点炼金到10点出所有配方的里程碑然后洗点,配方保留
好吧,稍后我收集对应材料名字的图标 ,以及材料的来源植物图标。
(而且有个问题,必须得去炼金房,才能看到 什么药剂需要什么材料) 目前汉化的配方,有较多翻译挺别扭,所以自己还是汉化了一下。
jimsion007 发表于 2012-2-13 11:56 static/image/common/back.gif
好吧,稍后我收集对应材料名字的图标 ,以及材料的来源植物图标。
( ...
其实很多大部分药都没什么用,你要翻译的话注重这几个药:phxxx walk药水?名字记不住,这药水效果就是隐身! 完成盗贼营地任务没点盗贼系天赋不想杀人越货着必备,当着他面偷都只有一位数的失败率。。全部抗性加50%的药水,几个回血 回蓝 速度提升药水 lz你简直就是乱翻啊,那个什么 Tracker's Draught 明显是加探测隐藏点技能的,其他的错误真是:L:L 本帖最后由 tianyamingyue 于 2012-2-13 14:30 编辑
注意master\大师级别的药水配方,就是用命运精华(隔壁翻译) 命运本质\essence of fate的配方的药剂都不能通过实验\experiment 获得。。
Fate Potio 好像主线任务见过夏精灵国王自动获得。。
Fate Potio 用完补满命运能量槽
Purification Potio 只能治病
Damage Boost 增加所有伤害输出
Phasewalk 就是隐身药
Damage Deflection提高所有伤害抗性
Healing Regen 就是加速生命恢复速度的 Regen这个单词意思就是重生,另外一个Regen药水应该是提高回蓝速度的
Assassin's Evasion 提高潜行技能
Dispelling Boost 提高接触魔法箱子,就是失败了会被炸飞 诅咒箱子的技能
Healing Potion是吃下去瞬间回血的药水
Thief's Cunning提高开锁技能
Merchant's Command 提高交易技能
Social Grace提高说服技能
Sorcerer's Intelligence提高魔法上限
Piercing Serum增加你穿刺攻击伤害
Force Potion 增加你物理攻击伤害
Serpent's Venom提高毒药伤害
Lightning Storm 提高电魔伤害
Flesh Eater攻击吸血
Mana Sap攻击吸魔
Lightning Sentinel 攻击有几率震撼敌人
Freezing Sentinel 攻击有几率冰冻敌人
Burning Sentinel 攻击有几率燃烧敌人
Magic Precision 提高魔法暴击几率
Magebane 提高元素抗性?我的版本隔壁版是这么说的
呵呵。受教了。。。谢谢楼上帮忙修正翻译 tianyamingyue 发表于 2012-2-13 13:22 static/image/common/back.gif
其实很多大部分药都没什么用,你要 ...
我的意思是: 我想贴出对应的药剂材料图标。方便跑到野外,可以快速采集对应的材料
jimsion007 发表于 2012-2-13 14:01 static/image/common/back.gif
我的意思是: 我想贴出对应的药剂材料图标。方便跑到野外,可以快速采集对应的材料
不懂英文最少也要结合实际情况翻译,你看游戏里面有闪避 属性么?乱翻译害死人啊 tianyamingyue 发表于 2012-2-13 14:03 static/image/common/back.gif
不懂英文最少也要结合实际情况翻译,你看游戏里面有闪避 属性么?乱翻译害死人啊 ...
算是把你乱翻的翻译好了,你看看还有那些有问题。。。都没人回帖 以后这些真是有得折腾。。。。。 游戏唯一一个闪避好像是盗贼天赋提供的,攻击命中应该没有,打到就是打到了:Q:Q